I Miss the Light in Your Eyes

Chapter 35

-Frank's POV-

Gerard and I were done eating so we just threw uneaten fries at each other. "Stop playing with your food. God!" Ray said, taking a drink of his Mountain Dew.

"Why? It's fun!" I said, throwing some fries at him. I stood up and yelled, "FOOD FIGHT!" Me and Gerard immediately started throwing the fries and unfinished burgers at the others. Soon after, the others joined it. Mikey ended running away because he couldn't throw quick enough.

"Fucking wussy!" Gerard called after him.

"Free coffee at Starbucks! Come everyone! Free coffee!" someone yelled across the way. Gerard and I immediately stopped and looked toward where the voice was coming. We quickly looked at each other and then dropped what was in our hands then dashed across the walkway and into Starbucks.

-Gerard's POV-

When we got there, it was right then I remembered what happened when he drank the coffee and ate the skittles at the studio. I smiled and wanted him to get like that again. I felt my pocket and felt about four packs of skittles.

We got a table and the waitress brought about ten cups of coffee. I took five and Frank started downing the remaining. I laughed and started drinking.

-Time Elapse-

By the time we drank all the coffee, I left a very generous tip for the waitress. We walked out and Frank was literally shaking from all the coffee. He ended up drink two of mine. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a pack of skittles and walked about ten feet away from Frank. I tossed them up and they made a sound in my hand and Frank immediately looked at me. "Need some sweets, babe?" I asked, lifting up the skittles and glancing from them to him.

"Give me the s-s-s-kit-tt-tt-les," he stuttered from all the caffine he had in him.

"You want them," I said, turning around. "Come get-" He tackled me.

"NOW!" he screamed. Ray walked ahead of Frank and I and then nodded at me as he held his hands out. I tossed them and Frank followed them. He stood up and charged toward Ray. I got up and tossed another pack to Mikey and another to Bob. I pulled out the last pack and Frank looked at us all. "What the fuck! Give me the skittles!" he screamed like a little kid. He charged for me and then Ray shook the pack he had.

For about forty-five minutes we did that. We eventually race home with Frank chasing after us.

Finally, to get Frank to shut up, we gave in and let him have the skittles. "Feel better, Frankie?" Ray said, slinging his arm around Frank's shoulder. Frank nodded and finished off the last pack. "Guys, I'm going to head home. It's getting pretty late," Ray said, walking off. We all said our goodbyes and soon after Bob left. I assumed Frank was going to stay with me again. Mikey decided he would as well. So the three of us walked the rest of the way home in silence.

Well, with the exception of Frank of course.

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