I Miss the Light in Your Eyes

Chapter 36

-Gerard's POV-
We layed down in the front yard, staring up at the night sky. I was thinking hard and long about making life back to the way it was before I made the wish. I felt tears stinging my eyes as I remembered everything Frank and I did and about what Mikes and I did after I made the wish. But I remember the last time I got a good look at Mikey's face before everything changed. The day after I had saved Mikey from Jesse. That smile that made him look like a little boy ... the look in his eyes that were so filled of life. I'm such a fucking idiot, I thought to myself as tears streamed down my face.

I'll admit, I love Frank with such a passion, but the love I had and still have for Mikey goes much deeper. I'm glad it was dark enough that Mikey and Frank couldn't see me crying. They'd think I was crazy if I told them I was thinking of them so much in the past ten minutes we were laying there.

We got up and went inside. I felt the coin in my jacket pocket as I let it slip through my fingers a couple of times. I sighed when Frank, Mikey and I got to my room. Frank tossed his jacket off and threw it on the back of my chair that was sitting in front of the desk. I took the coin out of my pocket before doing the same thing. Frank got into the bed and instantly fell asleep. I saw Mikey passed out on the small couch in front of my closet. "Good, I can make the wish without them noticing," I said, glancing at them both. It was then I heard someone come in downstairs. "Shit!" I scolded whoever was downstairs.

I snuck downstairs and saw someone looking around. My eyes widened and I screamed in my head. I pulled out my cell phone and snuck back upstairs before I got noticed. I dialed my mom's phone and let it ring. She answered and I was just closing the bathroom door.

"Hello?" she said, yawning.

"Mom? It's Gerard. Someone's breaking in," I said, biting my lip and straining myself to make sure the person, whoever it was, wasn't coming upstairs.

"What? Are you sure?" she asked, a little nervous.

"Yeah. I'm positive. I was just about to go to bed when I heard someone come in. I snuck down enough to see if it was you but the person had on a ski mask and dark clothing," I said, biting down on my lip harder when I heard someone's footsteps on the stairs. I immediately closed my phone as my mom was going through a lot of instructions. I turned off the bathroom light and grabbed my flashlight and turned it on for a moment.

Where are they? Where are they? I thought as I looked around for my swords. I spotted them, picked them up, and immediately shut the flashlight off. Someone was slowly opening the bathroom door. Good God! Is this some fucking horror movie or something?! I thought as I rolled my eyes. That's when I remembered the coin in my pants pocket.

I pulled it out and got behind the shower door and stared at the coin, trying to figure out a way to make the wish come out just right. "I wish...." I started, thinking it through. I sighed and bit my lip. "I wish I didn't make that first wish," I said as the door swung open and I closed my eyes, hoping that it would work.