I Miss the Light in Your Eyes

Chapter 37

I woke up and looked around my room. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were red from crying. Did it work? I thought to myself, extremely eager to find out. I ran upstairs and look at the family pictures. I looked at the one that had showed me when I was younger. "YES!" I screamed. Sitting in front of me in the picture, the face that was my lifesaver ... was the one and only, Michael James Way. My little brother! I heard Mikey mumbling something as he came down the stairs.

"It's a madhouse .. or so they claim .. it's a madhouse.." Mikey sung in a whisper.

"MIKEY! YOU'RE BACK!" I screamed excitedly. He looked up and got confused.

"What do you mean 'I'm back'? I never even left," he said, sighing.

"Oh, god! But not talking to you that much lately sure feels like it," I said, almost crying.

"Uhh... yeah. By the way, you really need to get checked. You were crying in your sleep saying 'Mikey... Mikey you are my little brother'. Were you like having a dream that we weren't brothers and that you were trying to convince me that I was?" he asked, walking toward me. I smiled and sighed. Maybe it was a dream. Maybe it never really happened.

"Yeah, I did," I said. But for some odd reason it felt like it was real. The kind of real you know it happened but you're the only one who knows about it. I then thought about all the things that happened between Frank and I. Did those things even happen? I thought.

I was so caught up in thinking about the strange ... dream... that I had, I didn't realize my cell was going off. "Gerard! Hello!?! Your phone's ringing!" Mikey screamed. I shook my head and looked at it. It was Frank.

"Yeah?" I said into the reciever.

"Hey, babe, how's it going? You seemed kind of upset earlier when I came to see you last night," he said, yawning. I was assuming he had just woken up.

"Yeah, I had a lot on my mind. Wasn't really in the mood for talking to anyone at the time," I said. I really wasn't, he kissed my fucking brother for god's sake. I laughed to myself, I was beginning to feel better that I could actually call Mikey my brother again.

"I know you saw us .. me and Mikey.. I heard someone charge down the stairs when we pulled apart. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you ... if you--"

"Frank, don't worry about it," I cut him off. "It's ok. I still love you," I said, warmth in my tone. "We all make mistakes."

"Gerard, you're amazing," he said. I sensed he was smiling and looking at his feet.

"One can only try," I said as we both laughed. "Hey, you want to go to the mall later? I'm kind of bored and I want to do something," I said, walking over to Mikey and slinging my arm around his shoulders.

"Yeah sure," Frank said. "Mikes coming too right?" he asked.

"If he wants," I said, looking at Mikey. He immediately starts nodding his head with a big grin on his face. "Yeah, he's coming."

"Awesome! Okay, I'll see you later, dude," Frank said, hanging up.

"Bye to you too you rat," I said, closing my phone. Mikey and I ran upstairs and started bouncing on his bed.

"IT'S A MADHOUSE!" Mikey screamed.

"OR SO THEY CLAIM!" I screamed back.

"IT'S A MADHOUSE! OH, AM I INSANE!" we both screamed. We jumped off the bed and started singing the whole song from the beginning. We didn't notice our mom in the doorway as we were singing and dancing. We busted out laughing but we still continued to dance like idiots.

I didn't care if anyone saw us. All I know is that Mikey was my little brother, and that Frank and I were on good terms again after the little incident. We collapsed to the floor and looked at the ceiling. "Mikey, I love you!" I scream right in his ear.

He rolled on top of me and we started laughing again. "I love you, too, Gee!" he screamed back. We rolled along the floor and wrestled. I was glad that nothing seemed to have really changed between us.

I know I know.. probably a typical ending to a frickin story like this... but it was all I could think of.. so sue me =] .. should I make a sequal?