I Miss the Light in Your Eyes

Chapter 5

...I grabbed him by the back of his neck and pushed Frank to the corner which was pitch black. Me and Bert then lean in closer to each other and our lips met. Bert deepened the kiss and placed his hands on my face and ran his tongue along my top lip. I teased him for a moment and then forced my tongue into his mouth. 'Damn this guy can kiss,' I thought. The kiss got more intensified as the door closed and I heard Ray's voice outside. Me and Bert pulled apart and I looked away.

"Whoa. Haven't been kissed like that before," he whispered as he looked at me. I looked up at him and gave a weak grin.

"I wasn't expecting the football star to kiss me," I said as I smiled at him a bit bigger. He laughed a little and Frank stepped out.

"Oh, kiss the football star like that and leave me hanging?" Frank said as he opened the door and slammed it shut. I looked at Bert and he pointed to the door.

"Go. He needs you right now, Gerard. I'll talk to later okay?" he said as I sighed. I nodded and ran out. I looked at the around and saw him leaning against the wall, lighting a cigarette. I sighed and walked over to him. He looked at me and then at the wall across the hall.

"Look, I'm sorry. It's all I could think of at the moment. I didn't mean to hurt you," I said as I felt tears form in the corner of my eyes.

"Well, you did. I really like you, Gerard. I mean, you were the very first person to make friends with me and who actually didn't rush off with a group of other people and never talk to me again. And now, I don't know anymore," Frank said as took a long drag off of his cigarette. I began to get a bit angry and I took the cigarette away from him and put it out.

"Well, I got something for you," I said as I pushed him against the wall and pressed my lips against his and placed one hand on his face and the other on the wall. I deepened the kiss as he traced against my lips with his tongue. I teased him like I did Bert and then shoved my tongue into his mouth. I pulled away, glared at him for a moment, and then walked off.

-Frank's POV

I saw Gerard walk off after he kissed me. No one ever did that to me. I began to feel bad for storming off on him. I punched the locker and tears formed in the corners in my eyes. When no one was around I walked to the nearest corner and sat down, bringing my knees to my chest. "What have I done? God, I'm such a fucking idiot!" I scold myself. I sighed deeply and pulled out a knife and raised up my jacket arm...

-Mikey's POV

I got home and I ran to Gerard's room. I always kept my bass in his room under all his papers in his closet. No one ever went to the basement in this house. It was far too creepy. I guess that's why Gerard stayed down there. I got down there and my bass was on top of his bed. His room looked .... spotless ... for once. I sighed and started digging through his room for a pair of scissors.

-Time Elapse-

About an hour later, I finally found some and I started to head back upstairs and then stopped and looked at Gee's room. Everything was everywhere. I gulped and heard the front door open, then close. "Mikey! I need some advice!" I heard Gerard yell.

"Oh crap!" I said aloud. "I'm in deep shit right now." I then run to the bottom of the stairs and hide behind all the junk under them.