Child of Echoes

Chapter 3: New Place

Rosie? I wondered. My name was Jessica. I knew it was…This woman must have me mistaken for someone else. I wanted to tell her just what sort of mistake she was making when she picked me up.

The swords she fired off earlier as well as the blade that stabbed into the neck of the dark haired man were gone. The weapons vanished just as quickly as they appeared. This beautiful woman was now holding me in both arms bridal style. She held me as if I didn’t weigh 110 lbs.

“Vlasi, inform Ilari that I have Rosie” stated the woman. I didn’t know if I should answer, because she seemed to be talking to me or herself. My head and mouth hurt so much that I couldn’t force myself to even try speaking. It was so loud and so persistent; I wished this woman would just knock me out so I could escape it. The pain forced tears to continue to stream down my face. The woman finally seemed to notice my scarred and hurt appearance and she seemed to enjoy my suffering. I had a feeling that she found pleasure in my current state.

I looked away from her, unable to stand that satisfaction pouring from her. The moment I did all the walls and ground seemed to drain together. Colors were pulled upwards, leaving a murky, wet, and wavy trail that soared towards the sky. Additional colors seemed to slip in. Greens, yellows, browns and even golds all slipped in and out of this tunnel of colors. I couldn’t bear the mix of colors anymore. I couldn’t bare any of this anymore. I just closed my eyes and waited for Cynthia to wake me up from this twisted dream.

I opened my eyes when additional arms started to wrap around me. Someone’s warm touch glided up and down my wounds and all the pain disappeared. It was a young teen girl with spiky green hair, blue eyes, a small round nose, sharp ears, and a skinny build. She wore a skirt that rode her hips and a button down dress shirt that had one button undone. Her clothes were all white with golden buttons, a golden bird engraved on her right breast, and she had white shoes with a golden bulls eye, a golden border, and were golden underfoot.

The young girl touched my belly and my leg and the pain disappeared. I felt something as my right leg went numb. I looked towards the floor and saw a clean rock on the ground. This girl managed to take it out without touching it and while keeping it devoid of blood. I jerked up and sat erect. I noticed that I was on the ground infront of this girl now.

“Hi Rose! Welcome back! I’m bigger now! Well, you’re bigger too,” she said, pointing at my breasts. I quickly crossed my arms across my chest and scrutinized this young girl. I knew that I have never met this girl, yet she knew me? “Now that you’re back we can be friends again! I have so much to tell you! Can you believe Solodor and Efimia are, like, together? They’ve been at it non-stop for the past 2 years! Oh! Guess what else!” She demanded of me as she moved her hand over my jaw once more. She only had her hand on my cheek for a moment before she sat infront of me, her hands now in her lap as she prepared to blab things to me that I knew I wouldn’t grasp.

“Enough. The healing is done, go find something to occupy yourself with, Marie” stated the sword lady behind me. I flinched at her tone and how quickly she interrupted this girl called Marie. I looked to the woman then back to Marie. She wasn’t happy with the woman’s tone either. She frowned, stood, and stormed down the hall. I could feel just how hard she was stomping into the ground for a few yards.

“Time to go, Rosie” stated the woman as she grabbed my arm and forced me to my feet.
“Um…About that, my name isn’t Ros-“ I started but she snatched me forwards and walked so quick that I had to sprint to keep up.
The woman sighed and just pulled me along. I don’t think she had any intention of listening to what I had to say so I gave up. I was pleased that all the pain was gone from my body and I was sure all my injuries were healed. With a single touch Marie managed to fix my entire body. Now feeling better and lacking the courage to speak to the sword woman I looked around.

We were walking through a grand hall. It was large, white marble on the floor and a strange white metal that seemed to emit a bright light. The ceiling had the highest concentration of this light stone. In this hall there were tables made of a white and there was a large stage on the left side. The tables were facing it. The stage had to be almost 50 feet in length and 60 feet in width. It was the largest stage I had ever seen.

We were quickly out of this large hall and moving through a thin hallway that ended with 5 different corridors. Each corridor ended with a stairwell I noticed. We walked down the middle corridor and up some spiraling maroon stairs. The stairs went on and on for about 180 steps. When we made it to the top I guessed we were at least 4 stories high.

“Walk. He is waiting” said the woman as she stopped by the stairs. I hesitated a moment and she remembered she had my arm in her hands. She released my arm and pushed me forwards a couple steps. I stumbled before I caught myself on the wall next to me. I didn’t turn back to her once as I walked down this new hallway. It had a red carpet, red chandeliers, and red symbols that were all detailed circles with words, shapes, and lines in them. I knew they were important just by the look of them. The hall ended at an elevator.

The door opened up for me before I even touched it. I wondered why they didn’t have elevators where the long stairs were. I walked in, the doors closed, and I shot upwards quickly. I felt like I didn’t even get to fully look over the red and white elevator before the doors opened and I walked into a room with three individuals.

There was a brown desk in the center of the large, bright room. The room had 4 bookshelves on each side, a large glass window directly across the room, a large golden chandler, and white furniture all around. Behind the desk sat an old man with a long beard, big golden eyes, and a bald head with a long ponytail behind. The old man had dark skin, a bright smile and wrinkled hands. Despite his hands he lacked a single wrinkle in his face. The old man wore a white robe with a white hood at the back. Another was a man standing in white pants, a loose white button up shirt that were cuffed at the wrists. Out of everyone in the room he looked the most attractive. He was young, had high cheek bones and long hair tied back in a ponytail. He had dark eyes and a whimsical look in them. I felt my cheeks heat when I realized that I was the object of his curiosity. Then there was the other. She seemed angry that I was looking at the man. She was youthful, with longer hair than the man’s. Her hair stopped at her hips, a flowing crimson. Her hair was wavy and her body was curvy. She had the sort of shape model’s were jealous of. Her large breasts, her strong and thick legs, her toned abdomen and that long hair. I would have thought her just as attractive as the man, if her face didn’t look like it were going to tear the skin right off my bones. Her glare sent a shiver up my entire body. Her hawk eyes and her sharp, protruding canine teeth and her curled lip seemed ready to do to me what those men had been planning. Unlike many of the others here, this woman wore a sleek red dress that hugged her amazing body perfectly.

“Rosie, welcome back! How have you been?” asked the older man.
I looked his way. I didn’t want to offend the old man, but I knew what my name was, “I-I am not Rosie…” I said, walking towards his desk slowly. I felt intimidated by this old man for some reason. There was something very special about him.
“Dear Rosie. You haven’t figured it out yet? Well, I may as well inform you. You are indeed a 26 year old woman by the name of Rosie. Allow me to explain. It all started here, in this vast building with the group within called Holy” he started.