Child of Echoes

Chapter 4: Attack on Brohm

Attack on Brohm

“This is going to be so much fun! I am so hyped!” exclaimed a small set, skinny blue haired girl. Her hair was short and spiky. The girl had on a red with yellow spots leather corset and a blue stripped green skirt at her waists. The girl had bright blue eyes that seemed to absorb the dark, burning, landscape before her. I knew that she was the most capable of all my followers. Her overly eccentric attitude did wear on me, but I had to focus on the mission at hand.

“Listen, Meran, you aren’t to do anything that could go against my orders. You won’t be fighting like the others, understand?” I asked her, stressing the word “fighting”. She sighed and swayed her arms at her sides. I knew that pissed her off.

I started walking towards the city and she followed, mumbling something I didn’t care to decipher. I walked in the hard dirt towards the burning city of Brohm; an ancient city that was decorated with a massive stone wall around it. Normally, that wall alone would have proved a difficult impasse for us if the citizens hadn’t treated it as a mere decoration to attract tourism. The city was featured around old style housing; stones, dirt, and some poor alloys. The church and the castle were made of rich jewels and rich metals. It was old fashioned with moderate development. I knew they lacked automated guns, missiles, and any sort of anti-force shielding. They were ill prepared, not that they would expect us to attack them.

The two of us walked right into the city’s wall. There was a massive hole in the wall where Atserk blasted his way through. I noticed the various squabbles going on about me quick enough. I heard Meran whine as she took in the city. It was burning on just about every building. Men and women of Brohm where screaming, yelling, and fleeing the town. The flames came as quick as a lightning bolt and they were so chaotic that they had no time to form some retaliation. This would be easy for me.

“This sucks Rook! Let me do something!” she whined. I knew it was coming.
“No” I said simply as I walked towards the church at the back of the city. These Normals had no idea what we came here for. Nor did they know just what they were dealing with. The only thing we had to worry about would be an appearance of Stigma or Holy. A number of individual brushed passed us, trying to escape the burning flames eating away at the city. There was a number of explosions, cries of pain, and squeals of agony as the others ravaged the city as they were instructed to do so. It was because of the others that we were able to make it to the ancient church so easily.

The place was larger than I had anticipated. It was two storied; gold plated, had 7 foot high doors, and decorated stain glass windows depicting the ancient mythological war with the Gods eons ago. It was just pretty pictures created by the ignorant Normals. I walked up the clean, white stone steps and pushed on the doors. They were locked tight.

“Boss! I’m so going with you!” said a light female voice.
“I guess I can go as well” said a strong, rough male voice
“Present!” said a hyper young male voice
“I’d rather not miss out” said another young male voice
There was a sigh by the last man that appeared. I turned to see the team I was placed with. The pretty and annoying Cheska, the strong and arrogant Atserk, the over zealous and skilled Delgus and the other two I knew little about were Mavado and Kero. Cheska walked up to me, a smile abroad and she touched her temple.
“Just about everyone has evacuated. Delgus and Atserk have taken care of most of the Normal’s guards and officers. Mavado and Kero have set up a number of traps to keep them out and a couple Super humans” she explained with a smirk. She had wispy blond hair that blocked one side of her face. She had dark brown eyes, adult shape, long eyelashes, and sharp canine teeth. She’s a year younger than I am and a decade as immature, “So Rooky, let us go too” she begged.

“Fine” I answered as I pointed to the door and looked to Meran, “Break it” I ordered. Meran nodded, happy to have something to do. She walked over to the door and placed both hands on it. The door disintegrated under her touch. In a matter of seconds the entire pair of doors were nothing more than microscopic air particles. Meran grinned, proud of what she did.

“I sense 4 individuals inside. Delgrus, Atserk and Cheska” I said, pointing for the dark entryway of the church. They ran inside and I followed after. We were swift and made it midway into the church when they attacked. Delgrus, Atserk and Cheska were quick to act, using their abilities on their opponents as quickly as they could.

The 4 individuals were all male, super powered and they seemed to be using their abilities just as fast as my group. I stopped a few feet before the fray, Kero, Mavado, and Meran moving before me protectively. I found their attempts at protecting me humorous.

Delgrus was the first to be attacked. The super agile short haired blond reacted with his arm first. The arm became metal as a green arrow fired and splattered infront of him. A green liquid splashed on his arm, clothes and on the floor. His clothes and the floor were burning away by the hot acidic substance. Delgrus turned both his legs into metal and leaped forwards. He rocketed into the shooter, swinging his fist once to send shards of metal at the individual. They dodged with speed that a Normal would miss. Delgrus was far faster and met them with another leap. They fired an arrow for his face and he caught it, crushed it, and watched as the acid did nothing to his metallic arm. The man in the white robe aimed his empty crossbow for the ground Delgrus was standing on and he fired ten rounds there and eight in various spots. Delgrus tried to evade but fell through melting ground seven steps to his right. Delgrus was downed.

Cheska could be heard laughing as she toyed with her opponent. The male she was fighting used a lance. Cheska stood, awaiting the attacker, as they rushed her with that incredible speed. With one slash Cheska was cut vertically with the lance the man in white used. The slash cut through her, but did little. The image of her became a white mist that faded out of existence the moment the slash was done. Four additional images of Cheska appeared around the man with the lance. He spun the lance overhead to cut all three and a laugh resonated from all four as they were decapitated. This time blood gushed forth, completely covering the man in white. He yelled. I didn’t know what exactly what she was doing, but Cheska could make that blood as hot as the acid the other man was using on the floor. Cheska made one mistake.

As the man fell to his knees, his lance out of hand and his hand in his head as he yelled, she approached in her physical form. She had a 7 inch poisoned dagger in hand and approached with a cocky smile about. When she reached the man she placed the dagger under his neck and boasted of how easily she caught him. There was an explosion from another man in white as a rope flew out, entangled Cheska, and threw her aside. She lost her dagger and hit the floor hard. She was bound.

Atserk on the other hand was a little more for those men to handle. Immediately after capturing Cheska the man in white holding the rope gun fired a round at him. The moment the rope bound Atserk he tore them. Atserk noticed another man with a golden sword. The sword was seconds from cleaving his arm right off. Atserk slapped the blade at its side causing the weapon to fly out the hands of the man. Atserk, with his other hand, threw a punch for the man and he evaded with a quick backstep. Atserk was now surrounded by the three in white; the rope slinger, the acidic thrower, and the sword wielder, who happened to withdraw another sword from behind his robe.

Atserk went for the most troublesome first, the acidic arrows. As he moved in 8 shots flew for him. He wouldn’t make it and would be melted down into a puddle. Meran was about to run forwards to intervene, but I caught her arm and shook my head.
“Dammit! He’ll die!” she exclaimed.

Plates of metal sliced through the wooden and rock floors below and blocked the acidic arrows. The plates moved even faster than the arrows did. Delgus jumped out of one of the floors the acid made and, as the man with the crossbow was turning, he managed to punch him in the right side. Delgrus used his ability to create blades fly from his knuckles. Blood gushed from 8 different injuries and organs, muscles and bones fell to the floor. The crossbow user was reduced to a number of wet, dead pieces.

The man with the sword went for Delgus, who waited readily, and the rope fired another round to Atserk. Atserk grabbed the rope and whipped it at the man with the rope gun. The rope whipped his face, causing him to fumble backwards. Atserk moved forwards and swung downwards at the man. His punch was so powerful it sent a tremor under my feet. It created a shockwave that uplifted the wooden boards under our feet 1 yard in all directions under the man. He released a coughing grunt as his entire rib cage was broken and forced into his back muscles. He would be dead in seconds with organ damage that extreme. Atserk pulled his fist out of the indent he left in the man and sneered.

Delgrus met the man with the sword with a loud laugh. The man swung well over 4 times in a flash of seconds. I feared blinking because I thought I’d lose a swing of that sword. He was swift, skilled and could swing hard enough to throw Delgrus around. Delgrus was barely managing to defend himself. The slashes were going everywhere. His clothes were being reduced to shreds flying up into the air. Delgrus was moving his arms and legs to try and block the cuts by turning them into that tough metal. When he blocked hard enough to force the sword wielder to take a step back, he kicked as hard as he could. He was aiming to force that metal leg to break the sword man’s hip.

Then the sword man jumped. He moved so swift that I could only follow him with my power, I knew Delgrus hadn’t kept up with that. Delgrus had no idea that the man was coming down from behind, his sword aiming to cut into his back. The sword slid across his back, the sound of it scrapping against metal was louder than before. The man had put more force into his swing that time. After he swung he looked at his weapon, 6 inches of the blade was gone from the tip down. He dropped the weapon and took a couple steps back from Delgrus.

“Damn. That was close…” he said, huffing from his blocking and dodging from before. I bet Delgrus guessed that his back was the next target and quickly shielded it. His body was completely metal now. The man must have known Delgrus hadn’t used his power on his back yet.

“Just who are all of you?” he asked, looking at the only other survivor. The man that used the lance seemed to just be recovering from his feeling of burning. The man stood slowly, grabbing his weapon, and shakily holding it to defend himself.

Snakes intertwined themselves around the two men. The snakes were large, black with red side stripes, and had large red normal eyes. The snakes looked at both men they held in the face, their black tongues flickering in and out of their mouths.

“That’s none of your business!” answered Cheska as she stood; tossing the ropes she untwisted off her. She managed to escape the tight ropes. That surprised me, “Holy scum!” she added, sticking her tongue out at them.

“Holy won’t tolerate this attack on the Normals. Stigma will be severely punished for this” said the sword wielder. His features were hidden by a hood and his white robe. Atserk walked over. The buzz cut, beefy, 7’2’’, brown haired and green eyed man cracked his giant knuckles. His giant form was probably the most menacing of us all. He wore a black sleeveless shirt and shorts that stopped a couple inches above his ankles. The man had heavy metal shoes that probably weighed a dozen pounds each.

“We ain’t with Stigma” he said as he readied to pummel the two men with his monster strength.
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Enter Rook