Status: Writing

A Kisses Charm

Cupid's Arrow

“I’m telling you guys, she was the most beautiful, funny and smart girl I ever met... She was so cute those big, brown eyes.....’’ sighed Joe.

“ Dude, seriously get a grip. She’s just a girl you met on the street.” said Kevin.

“ I don’t know Kev.” Said Nick, scratching his head. “ You know that Joe’s always hard to please and he’s seems pretty struck...”

“ Ok, freaking out. Joe talk to me man. Joe, how many fingers am I holding up? Joe? JOE?” yelled Kevin roaring with laughter. “Check him out Nick. Joe’s been hit by Cupid’s arrow of lurrv.”

“Shut up Kev. I’m fine.” Said Joe. “Now I am going upstairs to my bed. Do Not Disturb.”
As he trudged up the stairs, Kevin mocked him by making kissinng sounds behind him. ‘‘ Joe and Kylie sittin’ in tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!’’

But Joe didn’t even hear all of that. Because he just couldn’t stop thinking about her... What was her name? Oh yeah, Kylie.... And he decided he wasn’t gonna let her go. He was going to call her tommorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kevin is annoying...

OOOOOOHHH he's gonna call her!!
