Status: Writing

A Kisses Charm

Wow...I Mean WOW.


“I’m telling you Alex it was like magic! Amazing! I actually met Joe Jonas!” said Kylie, speaking to Alex, her best friend, on her cell. Alex was the first person to act nice to Kylie when moved to LA. Alex was a long, dark haired girl with a curvy and fit body. She was also the nicest person on the planet according to Kylie.

“Wow. I’m jealous.” Said Alex laughing. “ You are going to introduce me to him and of course his gorgeous brothers right?”

“If I talk to him again...”sighed Kylie.” Oh, gotta go, my mom’s coming. See you later Alex.”

“ Bye...”

Kylie quickly stuffed her phone under her pillow and ran to her desk where her awaiting stack of biology homework lay. Then, there was a knock on the door.

“Come in.” Said Kylie.
In came her mom...

“Hey honey...”

“ Mom, are you alright?” asked Kylie as she saw that her mom looked a little different.

“I’m fine dear... It’s just that.. well.. The hearing was today and we broke up with your Dad. Of course you’re staying with me but you have to go see your Dad, once a month.”

Kylie froze. That was today?! Kylie felt a wash of sadness pull over her. She new it was gonna be like this already and she had prepared herself over the past two months.
After seeing her father yell and hit her mom like that she couldn’t help but felt hateful about it. So after coming to her Grandma’s house, Kylie had to preserve the poker face she put on. She took a deeeep breath. “It’s OK mom. We’re all happier this way” She said.

“I guess it’s Ok then. And sweety…”


“Is there anything you’d like to talk about? You seemed a little… distant today.”

“No mom I’m fine…you’re making things up… There’s nothing wrong with me.”

“Alright…” Sighed her mother. “Let me know ok? Goodnight.”

“Goodnight mom….”

That night all Kylie could think about was Joe and how he had looked at her. But what she didn’t know was that on the other side of the rainbow, Joe was thinking about Kylie too...

The next morning, Kylie woke up to see a note on her bedside table.
‘Dear Kylie,
Your mom and I have gone out to do some grocery shopping and after that we’re going to visit a friend. Don’t expect us home until after 7 pm. There are some left over cookies in the cupboard and a bowl of spaghetti in the fridge.
Don’t do anything unnecessary and be good to my house…
See you later,
P.S: Do your homework for a change… It could do you some good.’

Kylie laughed at her grandmother’s humour. Then, suddenly her phone started to vibrate. Kylie wondered who it could be at this time of morning. It was 9 am! With a skip of her heartbeat, she found that it was Joe calling. Kylie suppressed a scream, calmed her heart down and coolly answered her phone.

“Hello?” she breathed.

“Ummm… Hi. It’s me, Joe. But you could tell that right? Uh, sorry... Yeah, ok. I’m just so sorry for breaking your iPod yesterday and you haven’t got out of my- I mean it hasn’t got out of my mind ever since. Sooo… I bought a new one for you… It would be cool I guess if you came down to my place to come and get it. Here’s my address….”

But after the ‘I bought a new one for you’ part, Kylie’s mind went blank. Joe Jonas had thought about her last night!!! Kylie’s spirits soared….

“Hello? Kylie? Are you there?”

Kylie realised that the phone was still stuck in her clammy hand and next to her ear.
“Oh yeah! Sorry about that. Um sure! What time should I come by?” she asked.

“Uhh, like two maybe? Would that be cool?”

“It would be grool… I mean ceate… I mean yeah, uh sure thing… Absolutely fine!!” she stuttered with an uneasy laugh on the end.

“Great!” replied Joe. “See you at two then! Bye!”


“Oh wait don’t go!” yelled the phone.

“What?! What’s wrong?” Kylie asked.

“I didn’t wake you up did I?”

“No no… I’m fine… Bye.” Kylie was beaming.

“Bye Kylie….”

As Kylie closed her phone she looked at the time again. “Oh my God?!” Kylie exclaimed to her wrist watch. It was 9:15 already?! This gave Kylie 4 hours and 45 minutes to get out of bed, tidy her room, then have a shower, get dried up, get dressed, have breakfast, brush her teeth, get her bag ready, gush everything to Alex, do her pesky homework, drive the cab to Jonas residence and recheck everything she did.
But as Kylie finished up everything she had on her to do list, 4 hours and 40 minutes soared by. Just as Kylie was looking at her reflection in the window, the cab pulled by. With a nod of satisfaction, Kylie locked the door, got into the cab and she was off!
♠ ♠ ♠
Kylie, you're a schmuck...

Don't you think so too?
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