If Only They Knew

one & only

John O'Callaghan couldn't stand it. He hated the fact that every time he invited his best friends over to his house, they were all over each other. Sure, he could give them the fact that they were together, but he just couldn't stand seeing them hugging, kissing, making cute little faces at each other. The green monster inside him flared up viciously every time he was made witness to any of this.

And today was no exception. He called over Jade first, assuring her mother that he would remind her to leave at an appropriate time instead of losing track of time as usual, then he rang up Eric. He knew what he was getting himself into, but he couldn't bring over one best friend without the other. It would seem strange, they always did everything together if possible.

At first, everything was alright. They started their night out with video games, as per usual, Jade destroying them both in Call Of Duty. Eric always complained when they played that particular game, for he was never very good at it, but they always played it anyway.

It wasn't until they started watching a movie that things got out of hand, according to John's mind. He put the DVD into the player, and once he turned around, he saw the two cuddled up on the couch, in his living room. It just irked him, he couldn't help it.

It was a conflict of interest. Eric knew John didn't like him constantly showing his affection for Jade. Eric also knew of the feelings that John harbored, each and every single one. All the jealousy, rage, envy, and frustration that was currently pounding in John's heart? Eric was completely aware. He just liked making John jealous.

John sighed heavily before falling onto the recliner chair next to them, shooting Eric a look. The only return he got was a bright smile, which didn't make him feel any better.

When the movie started, he was only mildly jealous, and could pay attention fairly well to what was going on. However, as it progressed, he was only angered and after a while, he couldn't tell anyone what had happened in the movie thus far for he was too concentrated on not jumping up and pulling Jade from Eric's grasp. He hated getting these feelings, because there was nothing he could do.

By the time the movie ended, he was about ready to explode. He looked at the time to see it was quarter to ten, and he thanked every higher power that Jade had to be home at a reasonable time.

"You know, Jade, it's almost ten. You might not want to make your mom mad again." John suggested. He was half doing it in courtesy of her, but the other half of him just wanted them to stop being so damn flirty in front of him. Jade looked at the clock on the wall, sighed, then nodded in agreement.

"You're right. I'll see you boys later, probably tomorrow." She gave Eric a hug and a quick kiss, stood up to give John a hug, then proceeded to run out of the house so she wouldn't be late. John sat back down in his chair and looked away - anywhere away from Eric.

"Now you're going to avoid me?" Eric asked him. If there was one thing Eric Halvorsen didn't like about trying to make John jealous, it was the fact that he got ignored once Jade left.

"Yeah, maybe I will." John replied curtly, crossing his arms over his chest. He was tired of Eric's games, and he was growing tired of willingly participating.

"Oh, you know I don't mean it like that," Eric insisted, "It's just for fun, you know."

"You're going to break her heart, then I'm going to break your face." John answered, still refusing to look at his friend. Eric was appalled that John would say such a thing to him. It's not like it was all his fault things were going this way.

"Have you ever thought that I consider everyone's feelings every time, or do you honestly think I'm that selfish?" He was given no answer, which made him sigh heavily. "If you want me to break up with her, I will."

"Breaking up with her will put us back to square one." John finally looked at his best friend, and they both knew it was true. Someone was going to get hurt any way the situation turned. John got up, to sit down next to Eric on the couch. "What are we doing?"

"I have no idea anymore. Mixing Jade into this was stupid." With that, Eric brought his hand up to John's face and kissed him gently. John immediately kissed him back, grabbing Eric's hips and leaning forward, deepening the kiss. Soon, the boys found themselves stumbling down the hallway, until John pushed Eric against the wall and brought his lips to Eric's neck, sucking gently until he was suddenly self-conscious about what he was doing.

"You don't..." John bit his lip, unsure of how to ask his question. Eric understood what he was trying to say though.

"No. Just you." That was one thing about his relationship with Jade. They never got farther than just kissing, and sometimes he never knew why he was still with her. She was nothing like John, and he just couldn't do that to either of them. John nodded in understanding before kissing him once more, hands tangled in Eric's soft brown locks. Eric moaned slightly as John tugged on his hair, and his arms wrapped around John's waist tighter before continuing them down the hallway and into John's bedroom.

It would always be just them in the end.
♠ ♠ ♠
John Ohh/Halvo slash. i honestly never thought of that... and then BAM it came to me. I have no idea why, either haha.

but hopefully it was okay :] Sorry, I was kind of too lazy to make a layout, I didn't notice the contest date changed and I hurried this out. -rolls eyes at self-

♥Sarah! At The Crisco