Status: on the go

All the Small Things


I’m Felix and I’m gay.

Yes, cue boys making jokes and girls emitting high pitched squeals of delight.

Okies, now we got that out of the way, here’s something else.
I’m also the biggest girl you will ever meet.
And before, that’s all I would have said about myself. Slightly effeminate. A bit quirky. Occasional cross dresser.
Then things changed.
Namely me.
Don’t get me wrong, I was never a self hater, but now, now I like who I am. I mean, if I were in town and met me (as in, I were someone else and I met Felix. Otherwise things could get a bit creepy…) I’d definitely be my friend.
Wow, that sounded vain…

But this is my story. It may be cliché, you may have heard it a thousand times, but it’s mine. This is my story, my life and I’m going to make it heard.

So, without further ado…