Status: School is getting me down peps so will update whenever coursework lets me!

Did You Forget Because You Make Me Wanna Scream!

Chapter 1

Crystal had known the guys a lot longer than I had. She had been in school with them since primary school so she knew them pretty well, I only knew them from the last couple of years in high school. Ok let me slow down, I'm Alexis. Crystal's cousin, we both lived in New Jersey for a little while but my folks moved me to Calafornia. When I turned 17 I decided it was time I went to see Cristy (my nickname for her).
So here I am, stood outside my new apartment. Yes I get my own place, because well my folks are loaded! I'm a lucky girl in one way but unlucky with even in California I never saw my folks.
"Hey Lexi!" A familiar voice shouted from down the corridor
"Cristy!!!!!!!" I shouted, she ran towards me and takled me with a hug
"Hey it's good to see you again!" I sang pulling her into my spacious apartment. We sat down on the black leather suite and chatted about random stuff like we normaly do.
"So...your joining us in school tomorrow?" Crystal asked pushing her red bangs out of her emerald green eyes.
"No I thought I'd fuck elmo" I laughed
"Damn! You beat me to it! Oh well I still have the cookie monster" she replied playing along
"Sorry I did him last week" I laughed harded
"NIEN!!!!!!! But seriously are you?" poor Crysti, she may have black and read hair but she gets confused easily
"Of course, just look for a moterbike" I instructed
"Not again! I thought you were over that" she looked at me with concern kinda like my mum did when I bought it.
"Nope, dont worry I'm a safe driver" Crysti's phone started to sing wildly.
"Uh mom!" she said before flipping it open, after 15 minutes of chatting she looked apologetic "Soz hun I have to go home" she gave me a quick hug and skipped out the door.
"See you tommorrow!" I called as she reached the lift
"Yep and you can meet the guys, you'll love them as much as they'll love you" with that the lift doors opened and she skipped inside waving to me as the doors closed.
**Next Day**
It was pissing down with rain joy! I miss my 24/7 sunshine, ok thats exadurating but you know what I mean!!! I quickly dressed in my black skinnies,a black shirt and my black converses. Adding a studded sliver belt and some bangles to complete my outfit, my hair was in a poney tail and my eyes were framed with a line of black eyeliner. Before I could get out the door my phone started to ring.
"Hello Alexis speaking" I greeted, I was always told no matter who phones you must greet them that way, this was only because my mother had all her producers call me and then I could tell her the important producers joy!
Crystal - Lexi! It's only me. Gott! Anywhoo I have the Way brothers with me and I just wondered if you wanted a lift.
Me - Hun you'll be coming this side of town just to go back! Dont worry about it!
Crystal - But....! Hun you'll get soaked! I know we love dancing in the rain, NON DOGEY GEE! But it's a bit extream!
I could hear someone steel the phone and someone with an extreamly sexy voice came on.
Mystery caller - Look Chis says she'll pick you up, stop being awkward
Me - Im not! I can get their myself! Anyway who is this?! Coz I sware you're gonna need a body guard by the time I get to you!!!!
I am pretty grouchy in the morning when people try telling me what to do and when I havent had coffee.
Mystery caller - Well...Be ready in 15 minutes we're almost there, chow!
The guy hung up I'm seriously gonna hurt him!!!!!
**Crystal's POV**
"Mikey she really is gonna hurt you know" I warned looking in my mirror at him.
"Wow I dont think so" He replied smugly
"Ha, you don't know Lexi, she's a trained fighter. Black belt in kickboxing, it was nice knowing you" We pulled up outside the apartment blocks, Lexi wasnt there.
"Uh great!" I said practically hitting my head on the stearing wheel.
"What number is her appartment? I'll go get her and convince her not to kill Mikey" Gee suggested
"204 third floor, brib her with coffee that might work" I suggested, Gee jumped out the car and ran into the lobbie. Good luck! I thought he's gonna need it.
**Lexi's POV**
Someone started banging on my door, I picked up my shoulder bag and opened the door. A guy about my height, with shoulder length black hair wearing all black stood there.
"Hi. Your lexi?" He asked I rolled my eyes
"No I'm Elmo, Lexi's evil twin" he chuckled
"Pleased to meet you. I'm Gerard, sorry about my brother. Chrissy's downstairs waiting, hoping you'll ride with us?" I let out a long sigh and grabbed my phone and keys.
"You're lucky. Usually I'd just ignore you and go on my bike anyway, but because your not forcing me I'll go" he smiled as I locked my door.
"Would you please not kill my brother" Gee pleaded looking me in the eye as we got into the lift.
"Why?" I asked turning away,
"Because I'll then have to find a new bassist. Come on please, I'll buy you coffee if you forgive him" uh bribery
"Shit you know one of my addictions!!!!" I said hitting my head.
"So is that a yes?" he asked as we walked into the lobby.
"Fine, I'll play nice. Only because it involves coffee" Gee slipped into the back seat and I walked round and got into the shotgun.
"Morning Christy" I said with a smile.
"Morning grumpy, what was the bribe coffee?" she asked
"How did you know?!" I laughed as we drove off. The other dude in the backseat I guessed was Mikey. "Does it ever stop raining?!" I asked retorically (doesnt need an answer)
"Yes it does acasionally" Mikey anwered, I just rolled my eyes.
"I miss LA!" I whinned
"Is that where your from? Your not very tanned" he commented
"Ok guys chill!!! Starbucks! Right what you having?" Chrissy asked trying to keep the peace.
"Just a coffee hun" I said looking out the window
"Same!" the two guys replied. Crystal and Gee got out and went to get the drinks muttering somthing like 'dont kill each other while we're gone'
"So...." I started thinking of a way to break the silence "I'm Alexis, But you can call me Lexi" I turned to look at Mikey. He was good looking with dark brown hair and glasses.
"I'm Mikey" He said shortly. Well there goes me being nice! "So what you doing in New Jersey if you live in LA?" Mikey asked after a few minutes, I turned back to face him.
"I was tired of being my mum's PA, I had to travel around with her other times I would stay home alone" I paused thinking about the lonleyness
"What does your mum do?" he leaned forward, shit he's hot!!!!
"She's a model. Somtimes I do some modeling too but I hate it, thats what she wants me to do. Become a model I mean"
"Oh so what do you want to do?" He was so close I could look into his brown eyes.
"your going to laugh but Crystal and I are going to start a band and become famous" I said Mikey smiled. Gott he has a nice smile! Snap out of it Lexi!!!!!
"Gee and I are in a band, so we have the same dream" we both started to laugh. Gee and Christy jumped in the car coffee in hands,
"Well glad to see you haven't killed eachother" Gee commented handing us caffine.
"A promise is a promise" I said chugging my coffee.
"Of course." Crystal added starting the car up. We drove down the road and I turned the radio on turning it to Cristy's favourate channel.
Avril Livigne Don't Tell Me came on and I couldnt help but sing along. "This is your song hun" Crystal laughed
"I've got it!" Mikey finally shouted as we turned the corner towards the school.
"Got what bro?" Gerard asked
"Lexi! If your going to be in a band you would be vocals right?" he said
"Yeperooni! Crystal here is my guitarest and backup" I said proudly. I couldn't wait to meet the other guys, I know I'm going to fit in here.
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Ok I would apreciate comments!!!!!! Danke hopefully I can get chapter 2 out soon! :)