Status: Hiatus... for a short time. Sorry :(

Rachael, It's None of Your Business

Part Four

Jon and I had two different kinds of fights. The one kind, where we say the meanest things we can to hurt the other person emotionally, and then the kind of fights where we try to physically kill each other. Well, type two is usually me trying to maul him and him just giving it as good as he’s getting. Then, of course, type two always results in mind-blowing sex. Regardless! At a party of the entire hockey team and their significant others (and Kody, who doesn’t really belong but is just here anyways), Jon and I were fighting.

I was blushing madly (yes, Jon can still make me blush) and trying to hold back the stinging retort on my lips. Jon gestured to the air in front of him, letting a patronizing look settle over his features. “Well? Aren’t you going to say anything? You said we needed to talk, Rachael, so let’s talk.”

It would be immature of me to start calling him names. “You’re a demur, emotionless, shadow of a man, Jonathan Toews.” On the other hand, I could just completely ignore any decency I have and go straight for the stinging remarks.

He stood his ground. He had never been as quick as me to get loud and angry, but every once in a while he’d lose his temper. “And you’re an emotional psychopath, but we all have our faults.”

I shook with rage. I was not going to hit him first. “I hate you.”

“And you’re not as beautiful as I lead you to believe.”

“You’re a fucking dick.”

“You’re a bitch.”

And then an electrical current zapped between us. We’d come to the climax of our argument, and as he closed the distance between us, an entirely different kind of feeling started to build within me. My arms ere already around his neck and pulling him towards me before our lips touched. His hands gripped my back, holding me on my toes, until we broke apart. Resting on my flat feet, I looked up at him. “I love you.”

“Love you too.”

The argument was over with another sweet kiss.
After reentering the party hand in hand, Kody charged over to us. Her main concern was me; although I did catch her giving Jon a fleeting worried glance. “Are all appendages still intact?” she whispered.

I nodded secretively, but Jon beat me to the punch. “Oh, believe me, appendages are intact and fully functional.”

I narrowed my eyes at him and tugged roughly on his arm as a warning. If he let anyone else know about our midday delight out in the garage, I’d skin him alive. Kody’s perception was not off, and she quickly caught on to Jon and I’s silent conversation.

“Rachael,” she hissed, trying to cover her mouth as she spoke to me. Jonathan could still hear her, but I didn’t say anything. “You’re turning into a whore.”

Jonathan’s grip on my hand suddenly tightened, and the white-knuckle pain distracted me from lashing out at Kody. “Hey,” Jon said, “let’s go over here and stand.”

As he pulled me away, Kody got farther and farther away from me, and Patrick Kane got closer and closer to Kody.

But anyways, stand Jon and I did. For three full hours, in fact. “I could have been at home eating Kit Kat ice cream,” I mumbled to myself.

Jon answered. “You don’t get mind-blowing sex from ice cream.”

I scrunched my nose at him. “Don’t I?”

He looked down at me. He gave me a soft smile and released my hand to move the hair out of my face. “You look gorgeous.”

Uh-oh. Immediately suspicious, I took a step back from him. “No.”

He gave me a wide-eyed innocent look. “Pardon? I don’t remember asking you for anything.”

“I look gorgeous? You want something and the answer is no.”

“Am I not allowed to call my girlfriend gorgeous?”

“Not only when you want something from her, you’re not.”

He chuckled. “Regardless, you are gorgeous. Especially when you’re wet.”

That was dirty, and I was not going to have sex with him in Patrick Sharp’s backyard. His garage was one thing, but the backyard was another. But evidently I misunderstood, because he shoved me backwards into the pool.

I had time to shriek loudly before I broke the glassy surface. His charming little grin was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes. Then I saw everyone else staring at me like I was a sudden unexplained phenomena. If Jonathan wanted me to scream and swear, he was in for a rude awakening. As calmly as I could, I pulled myself out of the pool, ignoring Jonathan as I did so. When he tried to touch me, I roughly pushed him away. Kody and Jen, Patrick Sharp’s fiancée, met me at the side of the pool and tugged me towards the house where I’d get something dry to wear.

Against my better judgment, I looked back for Jon. The look on his face was utterly sexy and made my heart flop. Game on.
I’ve been clean and dry for forty-five minutes, and I was about to exact my revenge on my young super star. Adam Burish, the lovely quirky guy, was trying to chat my ear off, but I was searching the place for Jen and Jon. Just like she was supposed to be, Jen had Jon standing at a fair distance from me, and they couldn’t see me.

“Hold this, please,” I interrupted Adam, handing him my beer. Confused, he complied with only a momentary pause. “And this.” Handing him my cell phone was useless, now that I had wrecked it in the pool (Jon’s a dick). “And this.” I handed Adam the wrap I wore around my shoulders.

“Anything else? Because although I only have two full hands, I’d love to see how much more I can hold.” I peered at Adam through my lashes.

“Bursh, don’t make me punch you.”

His grin was charismatic and showed off the lines of his jaw. “Jonathan lets you win a lot. I won’t.”

I fluttered my eyelashes. “And who am I dating again?”

“Ouch,” Adam laughed good-naturedly.

Just then, Jen looked over in my direction, and gave me an unnoticeable head tilt. I nodded my head. Plan Exact Revenge On Mr. Sexy was a go. Politely, Jen took a big step from Jon, who didn’t notice.

He also didn’t notice as I tackled him into the pool.

When we both surfaced, I smiled innocently at him. “I slipped,” I lied.

He rolled his eyes. “At least I got you wet again.”

I sighed desolately. He just couldn’t help himself.

As we dragged ourselves out of the pool, I took him by the hand and led him back towards the house where we would – erm – change our clothes.

As I walked past Adam with Jon, Adam opened his mouth to speak. Don’t judge me,” I interrupted.

Inside the house, Jon led the way to the laundry room (I had forgotten in my forty-five minute absence from the inside of the house). He opened the door, and as I went to walk in behind him, he suddenly turned around and blocked the doorway.

“Um, you’re in my way.”

Gently he guided me back so he could shut the door. “You don’t want to go in there.”

I furrowed my eyebrows questioningly. “Why not?”

“Because you don’t.”

I took a step forward. “I’m twenty-one years old, Jon, I think I can handle whatever’s in there.” As I made a grab for the handle, he gripped my arms and lifted them in the air.



“Let go.”

“I can’t.”

“Well now that you won’t let me in, I really want in.”

“How about we let the clothes air dry while we test out the springs on the mattress in the spare bedroom.”

“Because we already tested out the amount of friction with the wall in the garage.”

“Two separate experiments. Come on Rachael, it’s for science.”

I hated science in high school, but didn’t tell Jon that. I made it seem like I was weighing my options, and then I sighed. “Alright, lead the way.”

Happy with the win, he started walking off down the hall. But as soon as he was far enough away, I opened the door to the laundry room.

And promptly shrieked at what I saw. Jonathan was already running back towards me when I finally regained my ability to speak. “Kody? Pat?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Part four...

I don't know though... let me know what you think! :)