The Day I Left the Womb

You Don't Even Know Who I Am

This is how all my mornings start...

I wake up at 6am, before everyone else in my house.

I go to the shower, I jerk off just remembering your face, I get dress, I think of you again and then I start walking to the school.

No, I don't eat in the mornings. Usually, I don't eat any breakfast at all. That only takes time, and I can't waste any minutes on that.

My parents don't have any money either, so I can't get a proper lunch at school. Normally, my friends give something to me, but I don't have too many friends either.

When I first see the school, I can only sigh. Another day in hell. Another day without you. Another day seeing how you are with another person that is not me, and of course, dealing with all the fucking bulling in school. What? You thought I was popular? You thought that was the reason I wanted to be at school at first hour?

No, you're wrong. I hate school as much as I hate my own house. I just... the only reason why I want to be early here is because I always wait for you.
Every morning I stay outside, on the stairs of the main entrance, waiting for you to cross the doors.

You never look at me. I think you don't even notice I’m right next to you. But that doesn't matter; the only thing that matters is to look at you one more time.
To see your hair moving with the wind. Your black hair touching your beautiful face.
Those lips, oh those cute lips you have, moving while you pronounce random words and phrases to your friends...

How can I not love you? How can anyone not love you?
You're so perfect. You are in fact, the most perfect creature I have ever seen.

I wish I could tell you. I wish I could just go to you one day, and tell you all the things I have in my mind.

Tell you that I’ve been in love with you for the past 2 years.
That I can't stop looking at you in every class we have together.
That I get jealous when you talk with your friends.
That every time time I sigh; I’m whispering your name in pain.

Or the fact that I always wait for you at the beginning of class, and at the end of school. Just to say a silenced "good bye" before going home.

Oh, I wish I could tell you all those things...
But I just can't. You never ever talked to me. You never ever looked at me. You don't even know who I am.
I know exactly who you are though. You are the love of my life. And you're gonna be mine.
I swear, Gerard Way, you're gonna be mine.