The Day I Left the Womb

*** School, I love Gerard

The next day in school was a hell like always, I never saw Gerard in the morning. Well, I didn't wait for him like I used to either.
I didn't wanna see him.
He left me waiting on that park, and he hasn't called me yet.

Everyone picked on me on lunch break, and I sat there, alone... Like always.
I guess, everything is going back to normal. It's like I woke up from a long wet dream and now I'm back in reality.

Maybe it was a dream after all, maybe I was just hallucinating. I created the whole thing in my mind, and Gerard never said 'I love you', he never kissed me, and he never saved me. I created all. I'm so fucked up...

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a hand on my shoulder. I didn't wanna look, for sure it was one of the popular guys trying to look good to his friends, and he was gonna hit me or put my lunch on my head telling me how much of a faggot I was.

The hand didn't left my shoulder and the person sat next to me on the table.

"I'm sorry for not going to the park yesterday..." the figure whispered and I felt my cheek blushing madly. It couldn't him, right? I imagined the whole thing... This couldn't be true. Am I going mad?

"Frankie, are you listening to me?" he said again and I finally dared to look at him. Long black hair over that sweet milky skin and a pair of hazel eyes looking straight at me.
I felt my face burning.

"Y-Yeah..." I stuttered.

"I meant what I said the other day on the phone, I..." he kept quiet for a while after talking again.”I still need to explain what happened on my house, but I don't think this is the right place." Gerard put his hand on my knee hiding it behind the table. It was like a lightening traveling across my spine.

"I-I... I really love you Gee," Gerard smiled and I felt his hand caressing my thigh softly. "But I don't think I can understand what happened in your house two days ago." I sighed. "And I surely can't understand how can you say that you love when you don't even know me." He looked at me with a shocked expression. I'm sure he didn't excepted an answer like that.

"But, Frankie, let me..." he tried to say but I cut him off with a kiss. Everyone in the cafeteria got quiet and looked at us. I felt all the eyes burning our bodies, and the whispering. Shocked gasps and someone screaming 'faggots'.

"I'm sorry Gee, I don't think I can deal with this..." I stood up, not paying attention to all the students looking at me. Gerard grabbed my arm with a hurt expression on his face. He was about to cry.

"Don't," he whispered, and I saw on his eyes that he didn't cared either that I kissed him in front of everyone. "Don't leave me..." he said again, and I melted. I melted on his words, his eyes, and his touch.

I grabbed Gee's hand with mine, and with our fingers together we walked outside the cafeteria. And outside the school, we needed to talk and we needed it now.
Fuck school, I love Gerard.

"Let's go to the park." I said with a smile. "We can talk there."

Gerard kissed me again, a quick soft kiss on the lips, and he smiled widely. "Yeah, let's go to the park."
♠ ♠ ♠
I promise you I was gonna upload another chapter soon.
So here it is, hope you all like it.

I don't usually ask for comments, I don't like that. But it made me feel like shit when I saw 36 people read the last chapter and only one left a comment. It makes me feel that my story sucks and I shouldn't keep writing.
I will tho, I'm just wanted to tell you how I feel, I guess this is not my day *sighs*...

By the way, that one comment I got for the last chapter was amazing. And I want to thanks tw!sted.l!fe. who made my day yesterday with her comment. I fell in love with you <3

I'll try to update soon.