The Day I Left the Womb

I Know Exactly Who You Are

I don't know how much time I spent thinking all these things. I was still seating on the top of the school stairs when the bell to enter classes rang.

I didn't hear it.

I was still waiting for you, thinking of you, I never noticed what happened around me when you weren't at school.

Nothing mattered expect for you.
Nothing besides your face mattered for me.

Oh, what a beautiful face you have, Gerard. Oh, how many times in these past two years I’ve spent hours thinking about how lovely it would be touch that face, caress your cheeks with my fingers, pressing my lips against your forehead...

I was so off from my mind that I never realized I was stopping the "traffic" from entering. People were staring wondering what the hell was wrong with me. But I was still there, seating alone, waiting to see you, not even noticing the girls and boys walking by.

"Hey, are you okay?" a voice woke me from all my thoughts. I blinked, realizing that I been seating on the stairs way too long. How much time did I spend here? "Are you okay?" the voice asked again.

I looked up, to the source of the sound, to see who was interrupting me from my wait. Who was trying to stop me from seeing YOU by talking to me? Who was the asshole who dared to do that?

Without even believing it, my eyes focused on the most gorgeous image they had ever seen, my angry face just dropped on that same instant…I just… I just couldn’t believe it…

His face, his pale skin, his lips, his hair, his beautiful black hair... is HIM!

It’s Gerard Way!
Gerard Fucking Way!
Gerard Fucking Way is looking at me, and shit... he's even talking to me!

I felt paralyzed. I couldn't even move my fucking mouth. I tried to say something, I swear I tried! I tried to articulate any word, but I was so lost in the moment that I couldn't do anything.

He touched my face with one of his hands. Oh my god, his skin, the touch, his fingers… I think I’m in heaven. This must be a dream, this can’t be really happening.
It’s so unreal, and at the same time, so incredible, his soft touch is… How do I say it? Almost intoxicating…

I gasp for air, realizing that I was holding my breath. I look at him again, and if I’m not mistaken, I think he looked really worried. Worried? Oh shit, he’s worried for me!

My eyes can't stop looking his. "Kid, are you listening to me? You want me to call the nurse or something?" I have to tell him something, this is the only chance I have... this is the only chance I have to tell him anything...

"I..." I try to say, but I start to feel dizzy.

I can't believe it, my body is failing me. "I...Gee..." My mouth says…My eyes start closing.

I can't... I can't control my body... I try to look at his eyes for the last time. He blushed. And he looks surprised. Maybe because I know his name, or maybe because I just called him 'Gee' instead of Gerard. I'm still not sure of anything, but I can't move my body, my eyes finally closed and I faint…