The Day I Left the Womb

I Have Never Felt Like This Before

When I opened my eyes I was in a white room. White sheets were covering my body, and I had something wet on my head. I was lying down on a white bed, and the light in the room was off.

I was at the nurse office of course.

"What the hell happened?" I asked. But I was just talking to myself again. There was nobody in the room, I was all alone and all by myself.

I got up slowly, I still felt dizzy and I think I was about to vomit on the stupid bed.
I couldn't believe how stupid I can be.
I was with him! He was talking to me!
And what did I do? I fucking fainted.

I took my bag, and looked myself at the mirror. Ah, I couldn't be uglier today. I looked like shit.
Maybe I should have eaten something in the morning...
Maybe I shouldn't be a pathetic loser like I am.

"Frank... Frank Iero." I look at the door and my legs started trembling when I saw your sexy body standing there. "That's your name, right?"

"Yeah," I said, my cheeks blushed and I couldn't fucking swallow. "But everyone calls me Frankie." I ended up saying without any particular reason. And it's a fucking lie too... nobody calls me that. I would like it though, I think it's pretty.

But besides what I wanted everyone in school had different names for me. The popular kids and his fucking girlfriends called me 'Frank the Faggot' or 'Frank the Queer'. The most popular, though, was 'Frank the Pansy'.

"I'm Gerard." I know... I know who you are. How many times have I moaned that name on my dreams? "The nurse went to the principal's office to call your parents. I thought you were sleeping so I was waiting outside for you." He was waiting for me? Why?

"Ah... thanks... I guess.” At that point my mind was blank. I didn't have anything more to say. "Why did you..." I couldn't finish the whole sentence, he was staring at me and I got nervous again.

"I was worried." He answered; I guess he just knew what my question was. "Can I ask you something?" He asked, averting his eyes.

"S-sure." I walked a few steps to the door to be near him. My breath started getting faster, and I knew I was sweating cold.

"How did you...How did you know my nickname was Gee?" I opened my eyes in shock. I didn't have an answer for that... I just knew it...


"I mean, the only person that calls me Gee is my baby brother Mikey. He's the only one who ever called me like that.” He got near me; we're only a few inches away now. “How did you know?"

"I don't know...” Was the only thing that I got to say before I feel his warm breath on my cheeks.

"This is so weird, you know?" He whispered and I could barely heard him. ”I feel so weird when I’m near you. I have never felt like this before... And I don't even know you..." His face started getting near to mine.

I was speechless, I was shocked...I was... I... I'm fucking in love! This has to be a dream! This can't be happening... this can't be real!
I don't wanna wake up!!!

"I... I love y..." I whispered softly before being cut out by the feeling of his sweet lips pressing delicately against mine.

Oh God, Heaven does exist. And it’s on Gerard Way's lips.