The Day I Left the Womb

I Can't Believe It

The door opened suddenly, and Gerard lets me go before the nurse comes into the room.
I don't even know how long the kiss lasted. Fuck, I don't even know what the hell just happened.

My whole face is red, and I’m embarrassed. I just can't believe it yet.
All this, in one stupid morning? When he didn't even notice me in two goddamned years?

This must be a fucking joke…I'm sure in a couple of seconds some camera guy will appear, and hell... maybe even Ashton Kutcher would come in and he'll start yelling at me, 'You just got Punk'd!' and he'll start jumping, and then Gerard would start laughing his ass off...

"Ah my boy, you're awake." the nurse’s voice woke me up from my thoughts. Her voice was soft, and I always knew she was a really nice woman. Yeah, I’ve been here before.

Every time the tough guys would beat me up, I ended up here.
The only difference now is that Gerard is with me, normally I’m alone.

"I just called your parents, your mom was home but she was about to go to work. She said you could go home if you didn't feel alright."

"Thanks ma'am." I said trying not to sound excited. I was by the way.

What? You think I’m calm? You think I didn't get a hard on? Fuck yeah!
I've never been kissed before. That was my first kiss ever... and what could be better than my first kiss with the man I love?

"Let's go, I’ll take you home." Gerard said before I could say anything. "Can I take him home, ma'am?" He asked the nurse.

"Of course my dear, just let the principal knows you're gonna do that.” the nurse said with her kind voice.

"Thanks.” he said with a smile before leaving the room with me.

"C'mon Frankie." He grabbed my hand and I felt in heaven again. This can't be fucking happening, this can’t be real.

Yeah, I know I already said that like a hundred times... but what do you expect? C'mon, I’m serious.

"Let's get out of here; I’ll drive you home.” he said with a beautiful smile on his face.

"O-okay..." I mumbled, blushing at the same time. I swear to God, this is the best day ever.