The Day I Left the Womb

My Mind Is Playing Against Me

By the time we got to his house I was too nervous to even walk. Hundred, maybe thousand of questions were running through my head and I couldn't help it.

How can all this be happening in just one day?
Why did he bring me to his house?
Did Gerard bring me home to have...?
The food was just a stupid excuse to take advantage of me?
Does he knows I'm a virgin?

I closed my eyes and a big sigh escaped from my lips. Gerard smiled at me, grabbing me by the hand and pulling me closer.
My face was burning when he got his face closer to mine and my whole body shivered when he pressed his lips softly against my own.

All the questions in my mind disappeared in that moment. I didn't care the real reason why Gee brought me here, I didn't really care if the food was just a lame excuse and I fell for it.
All that I cared about was him. Because I love him. Because he's every dream I've ever had. Because, believe or not, he's the best thing that ever happened in my life.

The front door opened suddenly and it scared the shit out of me in one fucking second.
Gerard quickly pulled away from me and I kept my eyes closed tightly.

Oh god... please... don't let it be Gerard's dad or mom... They're gonna kill me for turning his son into a disgusting faggot...
Please, god, if you really do exist... please please....

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I opened my eyes facing Gerard's smile.
A small figure was looking at me with curiosity through some glasses and a weird smile on his lips.
I turn my glance to Gerard again and I couldn't help feeling let down... I don't know why. Who was he? What was he doing in Gerard's house? Does Gerard don't really wanna do... things... with me?
My fucking mind was playing against me again!

"Frankie, this is my little brother.” he said, still smiling and waiting for me to say something. "His name is Mikey."

"Hi..." I said shyly.

"Hi." He just said without looking straight at me. It was like he was analyzing my expressions and my movements.

"Mikey, this is my friend, Frank, he's a classmate from my school." He explained to his baby brother while we entered the house.

Mikey didn't say another word 'till we got to the kitchen and sat down.
He offered me a cup of coffee while Gerard went to the bathroom and I just nodded without saying anything.
He looked at me analyzing again before he started talking.

"How old are you?" He asked me, looking really serious.

"I-I'm 15." I answered quickly, feeling anxious for no special reason.

"Where do you live?" What the hell? Was he interrogating me or something?

"I-I..." I stuttered.

"Why were you kissing Gee?" Oh my fucking god... this can't be happening.

"W-Wha... I... he..." I'm sure now, god does not exist, and if he does, he fucking hates me. What the fuck is wrong with this kid? What... he must be like 14! Why is he asking me all this fucking questions? And why do I feel so fucking worry about the whole situation?!

"I warn you... Get the fuck away from Gee..." he whispered.

"W-What?" I stuttered and I didn't know where the fuck did I get the sense to say anything.

"He's mine..." he whispered again and I felt a shudder all through my back. What was going on? This kid, his eyes... the hate in his eyes...

Gerard entered the kitchen and Mikey's face changed again. He looked completely normal and happy, and I felt like I was about to be sick.

"I have to go..." I said standing up very quickly but Gee grabbed me almost immediately. I swear I just wanna die right now.

"Why?" I could see sadness in his eyes. "Don't go... please.” And that was it, his words melted me. And I sat down again.

I'm such an idiot...