The Day I Left the Womb

What The *** Is Wrong With Me?

Sitting on Gerard's bed wasn't a really comfortable thing to do. The bed was all messed up and unclean. The whole room was dirty and filled with papers, clothes, stale food and some stains I didn't really wanna know what they were.

I still felt like shit and all I wanted to do was leave. Mikey, Gee's brother, was in the room too, don't ask me why, and he was looking at me with hate in his eyes.
Gerard, on the other side, didn't seem to notice his little brother's attitude and was smiling at me.

"So…Wanna make out?" He asked me with a weird smile on his face.

"What?!" I almost chocked with the air.

"Nothing, I’m just joking babe. Want something to eat?" He sat next to me, grabbing my hand.

"No, thanks." I was pretty sure that if I ate something, anything, I was gonna vomit. I felt sick. His baby brother's eyes made me feel sick in all possible ways.

"Mikey, you want something?" Gerard asked innocently, still smiling and without letting go my hand.

"No, I’m fine, Gee." He emphasized the 'Gee', like trying to tell me something. I tried to not pay attention to him, and I blocked any thought from my mind. Enjoy the fucking moment even if it sucks, I thought.

"I'll go to my room if you don't mind." He said bitterly.

"Okay Mikes, let me know if you need something." Gerard smiled again. And by the way he smiled, I was sure he didn't know how his baby brother really was. Or what his brother felt for him.

"Okay." And with that, Mikey Way left the room going upstairs and leaving me and Gerard alone in his room in the basement.

"So…" Gerard smirked. "Wanna make out now?" he didn't wait for my answer and took my mouth by surprise. But who am I to reject Gerard Fucking Way, right?

Gee's tongue made its way into my mouth and I gasped for air while he leaned me on the dirty bed. I felt sick.

His hand was all over my chest and his teeth were biting the curve on my neck, his crotch rubbing against my leg. I felt sick again.

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the lateness.
I had a block with this fanfic, i still have a block actually.
I don't know where this story is really going, and I'm running out of ideas *sigh* Any ideas you think I should write? xD!
Thanks to all my reader <3 I love you all.