The Day I Left the Womb

What The *** Is Wrong With You?

My eyes open barely as I hear voices coming from behind some random door.

'Where am I? What happened? Why does my throat hurts so much?' I start wondering, trying slowly to stand up from the bed I was lying on. I looked at the walls surrounding me and I realized I was still in Gerard's bedroom and not in a hospital. I hate hospitals.

The voices coming from outside the door went louder and I start wondering where Gee might be and where was his wicked little brother. I was really scared, and I just wanted to get the fuck out of this house.

I love Gerard. I love him with all my heart, but his brother is totally FUCKED UP. I can't deal with this kind of shit right now; I have enough problems in my own house.
Mikey tried to kill me, he put something in the coffee, I still don't know what, but I’m sure he did.
Okay, I don't know if he really tried to kill me, but I know he at least tried to make me sick and that's enough reason to get out from here.

I stood up, noticing I didn't have any pants and I blushed. Gerard saw me in my boxers...
I grabbed my jeans and slowly got near the door. The voices were still there and I recognized Gee's voice screaming.
I walked a few steps so I could hear better.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Gerard screamed, and I heard the sound of something breaking on the floor.

"I'm s-so...” a weak voice answered.

"I don't fucking care!" Gee yelled. "You can't do this every time I bring someone home!"

"B-But..." Mikey tried to say.

"No fucking buts... This is the last time you try to do something like this!" I walked up a few steps; I couldn't see anything but I was sure Gerard was walking in circles. "Were you trying to kill Frankie?" he asked. I froze; Gerard knew Mikey was a fucking brat...

"No... I just wanted..." Mikey whispered and I barely heard him.

"You wanted what?!" Gerard was really mad, I could notice it in his voice tone and the way he was speaking and the random punches on the walls I heard.

"I wanted to scare him..." I listening what he said without really believing it. This kid has issues, man, and I thought I was fucked up. This kid is fucking crazy. "I don't want him to be with you... 'cause you're m-mi..."

"Stop it, alright? Fucking stop it." Gerard punched the wall again and I heard steps getting near the door. I walked slowly to the bed again sitting on it. "Don't get near Frankie, alright? I... I think I'm in love with him..." I blushed madly when I hear Gerard's voice pronouncing the last words. He was in love with me?

"What?!" Mikey yelled. "You can't be! How can you be in love with that fucking pansy?! You don't even know him!" He screamed again and I think I heard small sobs coming out of his mouth.

"Shut the fuck up, Mikey, you're the one who doesn't know shit! You don't fucking know me, alright?" Gerard was really mad and I bet he's right in front of his bedroom door. His voice sounds so near. "What do you care if I fall in love or not? You should be happy for me!"

"I can't! He doesn't deserve you!" Something hitting the floor sounded again, like a piece of furniture falling down.

"What the fuck do you know?" the door handle start turning and I knew Gee was coming in. I took my pants off and I lay down on the bed exactly like Gerard left me when I fell asleep.

"I know it 'cause I’m your damn brother Gee! He's not the one for you!" Mikey screamed. His sobs were louder at every word. Gerard opened the door and I closed my eyes pretending I was asleep.

"Then who is it Mikes? Who?" Gee said entering to the room. "I don't wanna spend my whole life alone. And I think Frank might be the one..." I blushed again, my cheeks were burning.

"He's not..." Mikey whispered crying. I barely open my eyes just to see him with a red cheek; it looked like someone slapped him. "He's not..." he said again and Gerard stood in front of him looking really pissed off.

"Then who the fuck is it, Mikey? You keep talking and talking nonsense."

Mikey pushed Gerard against the wall. And he got way too near. I opened my eyes in disbelief. None of them could see me.

"It's me..." Mikey whispered, kissing Gerard on the lips the way brothers should never kiss. I felt my heart breaking and stopping in just one second. This has got to be a fucking dream.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it... Yeah, I know what you're thinking.... xD!
Want to know if this fucked up story is gonna turn into a waycest?
Hohohoh ^0^ I'm not telling... But I'll tell you that there's a good reason for this to happen. And you'll know what reasons on the next chapters.

Thanks to my readers and thanks to the one who left me comments. I love you more <3
I'll try to update soon :3