Beautiful Disaster

The Only Thing She Never Had

She walked out of the tiny cabin, the one they stayed at every summer, the one her father's friend had built them as a Christmas present. It was in the middle of the woods, by a small stream, secluded and peaceful.
She was wearing a new dress, white, with a skirt that fanned out wide when she spun around. Her sandals were gold and laced up her skinny legs, and her hair was tied back in a fat white ribbon.
She squealed in excitement and ran towards the stream, jumping into the clear water, the mud at the bottom puffing up into a cloud around her feet. She jumped up and down and spun around, her skirt fanning out into a disk. She lost her footing and fell, landing in the water with a splash.
She erupted with laughter, and, when they realized their beautiful daughter was okay, so did her parents. Her mother walked gracefully into the stream and scooped her up, still laughing. Her father took her mother by the waist and they walked back into the cabin...

Isabella's eyes opened slowly. It was dreams like this, dreams of when she still had a family, that made her want to sleep forever. But she had to go to school.
She got up and rubbed her eyes briefly and gently; She didn't want to accidentally pull out an eyelash. She went to the bathroom and took a quick shower; quick being forty five minutes. She spent an hour picking out her clothes and coordinating her makeup with it. Although she didn't need much; her cheeks had a natural rosy tint, so she didn't need blush. Her eyelashes were naturally thick and long, which meant no mascara. She needed no concealer or lipstick; her skin was always perfect and her lips were a rosy pink, thick and full. She just used a little eyeshadow, a tiny touch of eyeliner, and lip gloss.
She wore a short-sleeved dark pink knitted hoodie dress with black superskinny jeans. A thick, rectangular gold clip rested at the back of her head, and she wore bright yellow heels and thick plastic bracelets. She transferred all her books to a black Coach bag and went downstairs to make breakfast.
Shit. She thought as she opened the fridge. She had forgotten to go to the grocery store to get more food yesterday. she picked through the options in her head.
The only place I can get food before I go to school is the deli, and they suck. The only other option was to go to Ms. Hatchett.
She took a deep breath and took her iPhone6G out of her bag. They weren't really supposed to have those for another two years, but her dad bargained with a guy in Japan and sent her one.
She quickly dialed Ms. Hatchett's number.
"Who is caw-ling me this eh-ly?" Isabella heard the irritated British voice on the other end.
"It's me, Ms. Hatchett." She answered rather rudely. She didn't like people talking to her the way Ms. Hatchett did.
"What the hell do you wohnt?"
"I forgot to go food shopping yesterday and now I need breakfast. Make me some?"
"Now? It's six theht-ty!"
"Yes, now. I have to go to school."
"That's a bit too bad ist't it? That was yoh respohnsibility to get fewd. Go to the bloody deli!"
"No! I don't wohnt to hear it! I'm going back to sleep! Good day to you, Isabella."
She hung up. Isabella rolled her eyes. She called her driver, Richard.
"Hey, Richard. It's Isabella. On your way here, pick up a McMuffin for me? Thanks. Bye."
Before he had a chance to respond, she hung up. Normally, a McMuffin would never cross her perfectly glossed lips, but today she had no choice.
She sat on the couch closed her eyes. It hadn't even been a whole second when her phone vibrated. It was a text from Ms. Hatchett.

I meant to tell you yesterday but you were at the party. Since I'm already awake, I'll tell you now; I'll be at the salon later today. Your father's going to be coming for a short visit Two weeks from now on Friday. Be ready.

Her father!
Isabella hadn't seen her father in years. She'd been living alone with Ms. Hatchett as her "guardian" for the past five years.
Every time she saw a girl on the street with her father, she wondered what it was like. She had never had a father to comfort her or anything, or even say "I love you."
After her mother died, her father became an alchoholic and would beat Isabella, blaming her for it, his excuses making no sense whatsoever. When she went to do her modeling, they had to cover up all the bruises and cuts with makeup. Her father paid the employees to keep quiet.
Eventually, he stopped. But then he was in the navy, and he was travelling to different countries, only sending her the rare note whenever possible.
But he never got the chance to tell her he loved her.
In fact, the only time someone told Isabella that they loved her was in the goodbye letter her mother gave her. She never had a boyfriend or another family member, or even a close friend to tell her that.
A loud horn pierced her thoughts. She pulled away a corner of the pink silk curtain to see the black limo outside her house. It wasn't one of those long limos, just a really fancy looking regular sized car.
She went out of the house and locked her door, tossing the gold, diamond encrusted heart keychain in her bag. It came with a matching necklace, a short gold cord with a thumbnail sized heart hanging from it. A single diamond was in the middle. The heart opened, revealing a screen the size of a pearl, that showed a picture of Isabella when she was young, with her mother and father, in front of the cabin. There was a space in the back for a battery and mini SD card, but Isabella kept that one picture there, and she would bever change it. She never showed anyone what was inside the locket, and she never would.
She walked over to the car and got in, and immediately, the smell of artifficial eggs and chemical-based cheese filled her nose.
"Your McMuffin."
"Thanks." She said quickly. She took the bag and ate McMuffin quicly, before Richard picked up Bev, her best friend. Bev seeing Isabella eating a McMuffin would be completely humiliating, and she'd never hear the end of it.
She finished quickly and opened the window, now only blocks from Bev's house. She tossed the McDonald's bag out the window and closed it, and dug a bottle of Hailey Fragrance Aeropostale perfume from bag, out of the section devoted to her makeup, and spritzed the air with it three times before putting a little on herself. She tossed it back in the bag and took out a tube of Victoria's Secret lip gloss and put on a smooth coat. Then she swallowed two drops of liquid breath freshener and took out a bottle of Delia's twilight zone black nail polish and started painting her nails. She was on the second coat by the time Bev opened the door.
"Hey Isa-"
"Shush, busy." Isabella said to her friend rather rudely.
"'Kay." Bev replied.
"What are you wearing?" Isabella stopped to examine Bev's outfit. It was a gray zip-front hoodie with a bright yellow t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and dark gray-blue Converse. Her blond hair was in a genie poytail at the top of her head.
She should have counted on Bev to wear something like this.
"I-I wanted to experiment with colors. You do it all the time, and it works great. Like right now. Pink with yellow? You have to be in kindergarden to make that work, but you make it look great!"
"Bev, you can't have yellow with blue. It doesn't work, especially those shades! know, I could let you walk into school like this, but lucky for you, I'm a good person. Here." She stood up and lifted the cushion of her seat and looked through the pile of neatly folded emergency clothes. She handed Bev an aqua green drawstring skirt, a white boytank, and green Converse boots that reached the middle of her shins. "Do you want a sweater?"
"Why can't I wear anything I'm already wearing?" Bev whined.
"Well, at first, i was just going to make you change your shoes and sweater, but I'm wearing yellow jewelery and shoes, so your shirt was out. And I'm also wearing black skinny jeans. So yours are out."
"But...I hate skirts..."
"It's a skort. Now change. You can keep the ponytail if you want to, but do it fast, I have to change your makeup too. Now do you want a sweater or not?"
Bev took off her hoodie and looked at her scrawny arms. She nodded, and then started changing. Isabella gave her a white Velour hoodie and went back to doing her nails. She put the bottle away and blew on them.
"Ready." Bev said. Isabella sighed. Her nails weren't dry yet. But then if she let Bev walk in with either a) makeup that didn't match her outfit or b) no makeup at all, she couldn't be seen with her. And Bev was the closest thing Isabella has to a real friend.
She carefully went into her bag and dug out a makeup removing towelette and wiped off Bev's blush, eyeshadow, and lipstick. Then she took out her eyeshadow box and put a very light, barely there dusting of green on Bev's eyelids. She took out light pink blush and brushed it gently onto her cheeks, and gave her a bottle of watermelon pink lip gloss.
"Just put on a little. Since you have your hair up, too much bright pink on your lips and green eyeshadow will make you look like an old lady in her mid life crisis. 'Kay? Careful."
"Thanks, Isabella."
Richard stopped the car and then opened the door for them. They stepped out, and all eyes turned on them. Immediately, Isabella saw what she craved in the morning: Jealousy. The jealousy that came from her schoolmates' eyes was like her cup of coffe. It energized her, and she lived off it. The only thing better than that was admiration. Especially the boys'.
But she had a boyfriend. And they all knew it. And dissapointment, from the girls not being able to be her friend, or thr boys not her boyfriend, was the next best thing.
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