Beautiful Disaster


Isabella went to school the next morning, wearing a gray tank dress with a black midriff sweater and sleeves that ruffled and flowed at her wrists, her hair in a side braid with red ribbons woven into it, and black slouchy buckle boots.
Her friends had already texted everyone about Bev and Jay. And already, she had gotten over thirty texts from random guys asking her to Prom. None that she had accepted.
She walked through the halls with the remaining members of the clique, all eyes on them. All of her friends already had dates; she was the only one.
Nique invited them to go prom dress shopping with her. Even though Isabella had no date, they convinced her to go.
"Guys, I don't even know if I'll go."
"Isabella! You have to! You're going to win prom queen and everything! You have to!"
"But who's going to be my king?"
"You'll have no problem finding one. How about Gary Harper? He's single and cute!"
"Uh, broken arm!"
"Good point...well, there's the new-"
"New guy? No. I'm not going with the newbie. That's so bad for the reputation."
They went through a whole list of boys, but had no luck.
Isabella, the most popular girl in school, was dateless.