Beautiful Disaster


Only a few more days until Prom.
Isabella sat up in the bed with Liam. She decided to spend the night, trying to make this time the best of all. As far as she knew,so far, it was. Liam held her close, and her blood was pumping through her body fast. The fact that he was actually there, holding her like this, made her feel like she was actually worth something.
She hoped he thought she was, too.
She kissed him passionately, putting every ounce of love she had for him into it. He breathed heavily into her mouth. It seemed to be working.
"Liam," She said.
"Hmmm...?" He leaned in to kiss her again.
"Why do we do this so much?"
He opened his eyes slightly. "Because." He tried again to kiss her. She leaned back.
"Does it mean anything? I mean, since we do it so much?"
There was a silence. He planted a gentle kiss on her lips. He looked into her eyes and touched her cheek.
"Maybe," He said. He kissed her one more time. "Maybe I love you."
Isabella closed her eyes at the sound of the words she had been waiting years to hear. She gave him what he wanted, again.
It ended, her heart beating fast.
"Listen, Liam...did you really mean it? That you love me?" She held him back. Obviously he wanted more.
"Let's discuss this later." He said. His body was twitching in anticipation.
"No. Answer me now."
"Yes. I always have."
Isabella let him do his thing.
Then she decided to finally ask what she had come to ask.
"What now?"
"Listen...There's a prom at my school on Friday. Do you..."
"Do I want to come with you." He said it like a statement.
"Well...Do you?"
"I thought..."
"I loved you? No...I only said that-"
"You know what? Forget it."
She threw the sheets off herself and scrambled for her clothes. She threw them on and ran out the door. Not only was she now dateless, but she was heartbroken.
There was a package on the doorstep. A rather large box. She bought it inside and looked at it. From her father.
She tore the box open as quickly as she could. She found lime green fabric, folded neatly. She took it out, and a card fell out.
Dear Isabella,
I'm glad to be coming over in time for your prom. I'll meet you at seven. For now, here's my gift to you. I know you'll look beautiful.

She looked at the prom dress her father had sent her. It was absolutely gorgeous. It looked like the one in Taylor Swift's music video, You Belong With Me. The one her crush's girlfriend wore at the prom, except green.
A gift from her father. The only person who loved her.