Status: Finished O.O

I Love Him, I Love Him Not

Stupid Evil Guys, Stupid Fads, Stupid Chains

Ada's POV

“Let me out of here!” I shouted as loud as I could. I was in some sort of dungeon, chained to the back wall.

What was it with chains these days? Must be a new fad.

I hadn’t even seen the guy or girl that had kidnapped me. Where was Zach? Would he come for me? Or would he give up?

Suddenly, somebody came through the door.

I decided to look at the man that captured me. He was kind of scrawny and frail looking. He had thick glasses that rested on a bony nose. His straight black hair was cut shorter, so that it barely covered the top of his ears. He was rather unattractive, and I could smell how disgusting he was from here. Actually, he kinda smelt like rotten eggs.

“My brother isn’t the only romantic one ya know. I could be romantic too.” The voice was strange and sounded rough, not smooth and velvety at all.

“Who are you?” I asked, about to go into all out hysterics mode.

“Why, I’m Eric. Eric Alan Sanders actually.”

“Sanders? That’s Zach’s last name!” I was starting to get scared now. (I get scared a lot it seems).

“Yes, but it’s also mine!” he yelled, sounding offended and angry.

“Are you his brother? If you are, why did you kidnap me?”

“Yes, I am his brother. His older brother. I kidnapped you because I wanted you to belong to me, so now you do.”

Belong to him? Ha! I didn’t belong to anybody. Or at least I didn’t before I met Zach. Gah, I would have to think about how I had betrayed myself after this was all over and done with. I had told myself I would never belong to somebody.

I attempted to run towards him, but the chains stopped me. He then decided it would be a great time to tell me his evil plot and how angry he was. Stupid evil guys.

“I was a young boy when it started. His ridicules, his trying to control me, everything. And he was three years younger than I! He continued this all the way through primary and secondary school, and talked about how I could be a great assistant. In college, we finally split. He became the CEO of the company I should have run, and I became a damn cop!”

Wait, hold up here. The guy that kidnapped me was a cop?!

“I don’t get paid much, all I do is give people traffic tickets, and I don’t want to save lives.”

I couldn’t help it, I started laughing. I would have continued laughing if he hadn’t come up to me and slapped me. It seemed that slapping people ran in the family.

“Anyhow, I’m going to get my revenge on him by marrying you.”

I was going to have to marry this guy? Where was Zach?!
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, so that's the next chapter. Love all the subscribers I have! Thank you all! Hope you liked this chapter >.<