Status: Finished O.O

I Love Him, I Love Him Not


Zach's POV

I’d found my brother on camera, now I just had to find him in the flesh.

As I drove down the open road of the country side in my red convertible, I thought about Ada again. I loved her so much; I didn’t know what I would do without her. In the short time I had gotten to know her, I had realized that I needed her. She was innocent and pure, something I was not. I loved her.

I finally came to the place that was his “secret base.”

He must have forgotten that he had showed me this place on a dare when we were kids. My brother had always been an idiot. His car was parked in front, a cop car. If that isn’t irony, I don’t know what is. A cop kidnapped the love of my life.

If I hadn’t been so pissed off, I would have laughed.

I got out of my car and walked to the front door.

It had a door? A metal door? Since when?

I attempted to undo the lock, but failed. I searched for a spare key only to find that there was no key hole. This door was activated by having the correct fingerprint.

I unsheathed my knife that I kept handy and stabbed it into the place that you would put your finger on. The door opened. I thanked my father quickly for sending me to a boarding school where they teach you how to do amazing things like that.

With that, I sprinted down the staircase to rescue my love. But not only was I pissed that he had taken her, I was jealous that he was spending time with my girl.

He would feel my wrath.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that this chapter was kinda short and boring...just needed some filling and explanation for the next parts I guess.