Status: Finished O.O

I Love Him, I Love Him Not

Love Me Or Else

Ada's POV

“You’ll be sorry for this! Zach will rescue me and you’ll be sorry! I’ll never marry you!” I shouted at the top of my lungs.

I was more frightened now than when Zach told me he loved me. More frightened than when Zach didn’t deny that he had murdered any guy that ever tried to be with me. More frightened than when Zach said he liked to see me chained and helpless. I bet Zach wouldn’t want to see me chained and helpless now. Maybe it’s the whole thing that he was in control before. Why was I thinking about this now? There were more important issues at hand. Get it together Ada!

Eric just laughed at me. He had just gotten off the phone with a priest and was picking out which wedding dress would look better on me. He was also choosing our honeymoon location.

“I told you Ada, your shouting is fruitless. You’re mine now. I doubt Zach is even searching for you. He probably gave up a long time ago and went back to his ex-girlfriend.”

That silenced me for a bit.

His ex-girlfriend? Gave up on me? Would I be stuck marrying Eric?

I actually started tearing up, then I realized something. I loved him. I truly needed him in my life. I had only known him for a few weeks, but he was security, he was stability, he was perfect, he was love.

“Ya know, Ada, I actually have fallen in love with you. You’re so beautiful. We could make wonderful children together. I think you could develop feelings for me over time too.”

I actually threw up in my mouth a little bit.

“What does he have that I don’t?” he asked me.

The sad part was, he actually didn’t know the answer. So I decided to give it to him. “He’s romantic. He’s kind. He’s got great looks. He’s sarcastic. He’s powerful. He’s full of authority. He’s successful. He’s everything that a man should be. You are none of these things.”

He walked over to me angrily and glared. I glared back, daring him to do anything. I knew he was going to hit me, and he did. It was the hardest slap I had ever received. I actually tasted blood.

“You will regret that you even set your eyes on her.” a male voice behind us said. But the voice wasn’t Eric’s. Zach!
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So....yea! Comment please! I'm running out of things to say for these Author's Notes things lol. Hope you still like it! Only a few more chapters left O.O