Status: Finished O.O

I Love Him, I Love Him Not

Accidents, Ex's, and questions

Ada's POV

Days went on. I fed Eric once a day. I went back to cleaning the house and cooking meals. I waited all day for Zach to get home from work. Every time he returned I would dive into his arms. I loved Zach. I loved him so much. I knew that I’d do anything for him. I knew that I was dedicated to him, even though we had only been together for a short time.

He loved me too. He made sure to tell me every night as he held me in his arms. And every morning as well, he would embrace me and tell me how much I complete him. It was nice to be wanted, nice to be needed.

Though I usually told Zach everything (and even if I didn’t he figured it out) there was two things I couldn’t tell him or show. The first thing was that I desperately wanted to get married to him. The reason being that I wanted to make sure he would never leave me. The second thing he couldn’t know was that I wanted to have his children very badly.

I kept hoping there would be an accident so not only would he marry me, but I could also have his child. As a few weeks passed though, it became evident that “accidents” wouldn’t happen. He was way too careful.

I started to get depressed after a few weeks went by and he still hadn’t asked me to marry him. I had expected he would within the first few days of our return home. Unwillingly, I started to wonder if he still had feelings for that ex he never mentioned. Hiding my jealousy was hard, but I eventually could put it in the back of my mind by the time he opened the door when he came home.

I started going through his things. The phone book and recent calls list was the first thing I checked. After that, I looked through notebooks. I stopped myself soon after starting though because I began to feel guilty for not trusting him. That night, I would tell him how I felt about his ex.

“Zach!” I yelled when he opened the door and I ran to give him a huge hug.

“Hello my dear.” he replied. A huge smile had taken over his lips.

I lowered my eyes then and stepped away from him.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, worried.

“Zach…I need to talk to you. Can we go sit down in the living room?” I had grown quieter, and both of our smiles had faded.

“Of course.” he said, grabbing my hand and leading me to a burgundy leather couch in the living room.

“So tell me everything that’s wrong.”

“I went through your phone and notebooks today.” I expected him to slap me, but he did nothing, only looked at me with confusion.

“Do you still have feelings for your ex?” I asked hesitantly.

To my surprise, he chuckled.

“Now why ever would you think that? I love you Ada, and only you.” He hugged me then, covering me with his warm body.

“I…well…it’s something Eric said when he had me captured. He said something about you going back to your ex and not coming for me. I guess I just let it get to my head though, didn’t I?”

“I would never go back to my ex. She cheated on my anyways. Don’t worry Ada, I’ll be with you always.” With that, he picked me up and carried me to the bedroom.

One day, a week or two after our discussion about his ex, instead of giving me the time to jump into his arms when he came home, he got on one knee. I couldn’t believe this was happening; I had been waiting for this ever since I realized that I loved him and couldn’t be without him.

“You are the most wonderful, amazing girl I’ve ever met and I can’t live without you. Ada, will you marry me?”

I cried, and he was about to get up and say we could wait, but I was crying tears of joy.

“Yes!” was all I could get out of my mouth.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two more chapters after this one! From now on, the rest of the chapters will be in Ada's POV. Thanks for reading! Love you all!! <3 Comment please!