Status: Finished O.O

I Love Him, I Love Him Not

What a Jerk

I gaped, again. How did he know my name? Unfortunately for me, he seized the opportunity to gag me with the handkerchief thing.

Great, now I couldn’t speak and I had something nasty in my mouth. Oh, and on a lesser note, I had tons of questions that I wouldn’t get answered.

“So, you’re the famous Ada Lynne Montgomery.” he said, kind of in awe.

Me? Famous? Really? Woot!

I would have shouted all those things, but, because of the handkerchief thing, (that I had decided was a white rag) I simply nodded my head yes.

“Ya know it’s not so fun when you’re not talking. Maybe I made a mistake in silencing you.” I nodded my head even more eagerly than I had before. He walked over to me and undid the gag.

His hands were soft on my skin, and I wished he would have taken a bit more time with undoing it.

“What gives you the right to chain me up!” I yelled, though slightly amused at being the underdog and the victim.

“I wanted to?” was his simply reply. The worst part about it all, was that he was serious.

“I want to speak to your boss!” (really I just wanted to remind him he had a boss). He stared at me for a few moments, and I took the time to look at him a bit more.

He was toned, but not at all like a bodybuilder. He looked to be in his early twenties. His skin was slightly tanned, but it was easy to tell that his ethnicity was Caucasian. He had been right, he wasn’t at all fat. He wasn’t too skinny either. Actually, (and I don’t say this a lot) he was perfect. His face was that of an angel. His voice reminded me of velvet. He was…well, gorgeous.

I was snapped back to reality as I felt his hand come across my face. A hard slap.

“Welcome back to life. Stupid girl. Now answer my question.”

“Wh…What question?” I only stuttered because I hadn’t thought he had asked me a question. Really.

He turned away. “Never mind.”

“No, please, ask me.”

He sighed, “I asked how old you were and if you were hungry and thirsty. I also told you that I am the boss.”

With the slap I had also grown a bit more submissive (not that I would have admitted it then). “I’m 17, and yes, I am hungry and thirsty. Sorry that I didn’t hear the question before…”

Bending to authority? This wasn’t me at all! But I would think about that later, he stepped outside for a moment and brought in a bowl of oatmeal. It was the first time somebody else had fed me since I was a small child.

How embarrassing.
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Next chapter will be posted tomorrow. Subscribe if you want to keep reading!