Status: Finished O.O

I Love Him, I Love Him Not

Let's Dance?

When I finally snapped back to my senses, I asked Zach the questions I’d been thinking of for a long time now. “Why am I here? And where is here? How did you find me and capture me? And why?”

“What is this? A test?” he answered sarcastically. “I’ll answer your questions later. For now, let us just enjoy the party.”

He led me into the ballroom, and I decided to focus my attention elsewhere for the time being.

The room was enormous. There was food and decorations everywhere. I certainly wouldn’t starve here. Why did he serve me oatmeal before if he had this much good food? What a jerk.

Despite how mean he was though, I couldn’t help but feel something for this mysterious man that had captured me from the tiny village I had lived.

Actually, he had rescued me. I wouldn’t have had anywhere to go if he hadn’t captured me. For goodness sakes I was going to have to sleep on the streets! Now that I thought of it, I realized how odd it was that both my parents had died on the same day. I still remembered it clearly.

The police officer had come to our door and announced our mother’s death. She had died in a car accident. As the words were coming out of the police officer’s mouth, my father had a heart attack. The doctors tried their best to save them, but it was too late.

I tightened my hold on Zach’s hand as he led me onto the dance floor.

He was an excellent dancer! We circled the floor as we held each other gently but firmly. He knew all the steps to all the dances. A crowd even started to gather around us!

“I love you so much.” he whispered in my ear as we danced on. I had to laugh, I just couldn’t hold it in.

“You haven’t even spoken to me before tonight.” I pointed out.

All he did was chuckle and kiss me. In front of all those people. He kissed me.

I can’t even express how embarrassed I was at that point.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alrighty, another chapter. Sorry I didn't post one last night...

Hope you enjoy!