Status: Finished O.O

I Love Him, I Love Him Not

I Cook?

I woke up to find myself alone in his bed. I took the time to think about the previous day.

First, I had bended to authority by answering anything he asked and doing anything he said. Second, I had been cuddling up in his arms, feeling completely secure (even though he might be a crazy murderer!), when I had only known him for one day. I also seemed to have this strong magnetism towards him.

His power was overwhelming, if not sometimes scary, but even that turned me on. I don’t think I could say I was in love with him yet, but there was certainly something growing. I already felt like I didn’t ever want him to be too far away.

I would have thought about more, but suddenly, he came into the bedroom.

He pulled in a chair and stared lovingly at me. “This morning, we see how well you cook.”

“Don’t you have cooks?” I asked.

“No. I prefer only us to be in my castle.”

“Oh, alright. I’ll cook. I forgot that there was a question I wanted to ask you.”

He sighed. “You sure have a lot of questions, don’t you?”

“Yep! So anyway, why did you put me in chains?”

He smiled, somewhat evilly. “Maybe, I just like to see you in chains. Helpless.”

I gulped. Another example to add to my imaginary list of ways he had scared me.

I grabbed his hand as we walked down the hallway to the kitchen. I didn’t understand at all why I felt so secure with him (I mean, I just admitted I was scared of the guy).

“What do you want me to cook for you?” I asked him, trying to gather ingredients I would need in my head.

He thought for awhile before answering. “I would like blueberry muffins, dearest one.”

I’d never get used to his pet names for me and the feelings they caused inside of me.

“Okay!” I loved muffins.

I gathered the ingredients and put the muffins in the oven to cook. While I was waiting, he called me into the dining room.

He was sitting in a dining chair, and he pulled me into his lap. “So Ada, are you ready to hear about your future life?”

I looked at him eagerly and nodded my head. He laughed at me. Seemed he laughed at me a lot. Big meanie.

“I work as the CEO of a company, and I get to boss people around a lot at work. I like control, and I’ll be willing to admit that I’m slightly sadistic as well. I work five days a week, Monday through Friday.”

“So you go to work today?” It was Monday.

“Yes, but continuing on. And you have to learn to stop interrupting me so much.” He smiled, so I knew I wasn’t in too much trouble. “You will cook for me at breakfast and during tea-time, which you Americans call dinner. Since we have no maids, I’m afraid you will also be the one to keep everything clean, since I don’t allow strangers into my house.”

Wasn’t I a stranger in his house just last night? But I wouldn’t bring that up again.

“Then I will have you all to myself when I get home from work.”

I smiled. I liked the sound of that.

The timer started going off so I hopped off his lap and ran to get the muffins so they wouldn’t burn. I brought out the muffins to the table and asked what he would like to drink.

“Apple juice, please. Thank you dear.” He was even polite!

As we ate in silence, I rethought the conversation we had just had. He said he was sadistic. What did that word even mean?
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Ug...I can't wait until I get to the more exciting part of the story...sorry that the chapters thus far are kinda more on the slow side.