Status: oneshot!!

Beat You at Your Own Game

Beat You At Your Own Game

"God, who is that sexy beast?" Gerard purred and looked at some guy. I took in the man's appearance more. He was tall ('course who isn't compared to me?), tight, and I mean tight, skinny- jean- clad legs, a purple hoodie covering some random shirt, and one of those 'gangsta' hats. To put it simply: sex on legs.

"I don't know." The purple hoodie man went into a bus with 'Cobra Starship' painted on it. "Obviously he's part of the tour."

"Well, whoever he is, his ass is mine!"

"You're such a whore, Gee," I sighed. It was true, he slept with anyone, guy or girl.

"But you love me!!" He pouted.

"'Cause I have to." He pouted more. "Common," I laughed.

We went back to the bus to see a bunch of people there.

"Frankie!" someone squealed as I got tackled to the ground.

"Um... Hi, Pete," I groaned.

"Aren't you glad to see me, baby?" He pouted.

"Yeah, I am, it's, kinda, just that you're cutting my air supply off," I choked out.

"Oh." He got off and helped me up.

"So, who are all these people?" I asked seeing faces I didn't know.

"Oh!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the couch, pushed me down, and sat on my lap. "This is..." Insert tons of names and what band they are from (that I will forget, most likely).

I sighed. I wrapped my arms around Pete and placed my head on his back. No, we aren't dating, we are just like that! But that's not saying that we haven't done anything.

"Fucking door, open the hell up!" Someone banged on the door. "Guys, it's locked."

"Damn it, Saporta." Haley got up to open the door. "'Bout time you got here," she said.

"Shut up! I forgot my glasses," the guy said back.

"Okay, everyone, this is Gabe. Gabe, you know everyone but the guys in My Chemical Romance. That's Bob, Ray, Gerard, Mikey, and Frank, who Pete is using as a chair," she introduced us.

"In his defense," I said. "I am using him as a pillow." I looked up and saw that Gabe was none other than the purple- hoodie man.

"Hello, sugar," Gerard pushed Mikey off the couch and patted the spot. "Come have a seat."
Same old Gerard. All he can think of is sex.

"Are you alright?" Gabe asked Mikey.

"Yeah, my brother is just an ass." He walked to Ryan. "Can I sit on you, Ryro?"

Ryan giggled and patted his leg.

"Sit," Gerard demanded (nicely). Gabe did what he was told. "So, what band are you from, babe?"

"Cobra." He did some sort of hand motion and his band mates did the same.

"What is that?" I asked before Gerard could continue flirting with him, causing him to glare at me.

"It's our signal. Fangs up." He did it again. It did kind of look like fangs in a mouth.

"That's cool," I said.

"Frankie!" Pete whined. Gerard took that moment to talk with Gabe again.

"Yes, Pete?"

"I'm bored, baby." He pouted. I giggled softly and smiled at him.

"I'm sorry?"

"Make out with me!?"

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I asked.

"No, he broke up with me."

"Go bother Patrick then," I sighed.

"That's not funny," he said seriously. We all knew that he had a thing for Patrick. Even Patrick knew about about it! He wanted Pete, too, but he was just waiting for him to initiate things.

I sighed softly as he kissed me. I have to say, making out with Pete is the best. Nobody has yet to compare.

"I'm bored," Haley said. "And I don't particularly feel like watching Frank and Pete make out.

"Let's get wasted!" all the Cobras yelled.

Our bus was turned into the dance floor/ bar and people were spilling out into the parking lot. It was pretty fun, except when my dance/ make out partner went off with Patrick. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that Pete finally got the balls to fuck Pat, but parties aren't fun unless you have someone to dance with!

"Frankie!" A drunk Gerard came over to me. He threw his arm around my shoulders and tried to kiss me.

"Stop," I sighed.

"But, Frankie! I'm horny!" he slurred.

"I don't give a shit, you might be a whore, but I'm not." Damn that was harsh.

"Fucking bitch," he growled and pushed me.

I sighed and went to sit on the couch.

----One hour later----

"hey, have you seen Pete?" I looked up to see Gabe standing in front of me.

"I don't know, try going to the FOB bus and check for moans. If you hear any, then he's probably there."

"You seem upset. Was Pete your boyfriend?" he gasped. I laughed softly.

"No, we're just friends." I smiled. "It's just tat Gerard's drunk and expects me to be his fuck toy. Plus, it's no fun at parties without a dance partner."

"Then let's dance!" I starred at him. He wants me to dance with him? I must have died and went to heaven. "Common." He grabbed my hand, pulled me up, and dragged me to the 'dance floor.'

He got behind me and placed his hands on my hips. He slowly started to grind his hips into me. I responded almost immediately and brought my arms up to wrap them around his neck.

"God, I haven't seen hips move like yours since William..." he said into my ear softly.

I turned around in his arms without even messing up our rhythm.

"Are you seriously comparing me to someone else?" I laugh.

"No, you are way sexier." I blushed lightly. "Sorry..."

"N- no, it's okay, but I am totally not the sexy one here."

"I beg to differ," he purred into my ear softly.

And then...


"I can't believe you, Frank!" I woke up to Gerard screaming this.

"What now?" I yawned and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"I can't believe you did that!" he whined.

"What's with all the yelling?" Gabe sat up next to me and wrapped his arms around me so that he could lean his head on my shoulder easily.

"I wanted to be the one to sleep with him! Since when have you ever beat me at anything?" He turned away and walked away with a 'What is this world coming to?'

"What was that about, baby?" Gabe softly kissed my shoulder.

"He's just mad that you didn't like him and instantly bend over for him."

"Psh. Yeah, like I'd be the one to bend over. Plus, I love less slutty guys with lots of tattoos." He smiled.

"Yeah, and I like tall, purple- hoodie- wearing guys." He smiled at me and kissed me softly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, no smexi time for y'all!! I usually put some in my one shots, but I thought that I'd switch it up a bit!
Hope that you liked it!!
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The Raechelness.