

Dear Diery:

Hi. my name is Stephanie. This is my ferst time writing to you. I got you from the doller store today with my berthday mony. I just turned 6 yers old yesterday and my mommy took me to git you.

She is being very nice to me today. Most of the time she is very mean. She hits me and says that she wishes that I wasent even born. She gits realy angry with me. I try to hide sumtimes but she always finds me.

My faverite hiding place is under my bed. I would take my faverite stufed anemal with me. He is a teddy bear and his name is Beary. I found him in the basment inside my house one day when my mommy locked me down there. I dont like it down there at all but my mommy says that its for my own good.

I dont know why my mommy hates me so much. I know that I must have done sumthing realy bad, becuse my mommy wont stop hurting me.

Can you help me diery? Plese help me find out wat I did that was bad so that she is nice to me like she is today.

Thank you.
♠ ♠ ♠
(Note: All of the mis-spellings in this story are there for a purpose. Since Stephanie is only six years old, of course she is going to talk and write like one.)