The Aftermath Of Losing The Savior

Your prayers can't save him

Chapter 2 Mikey’s P.O.V

I started to worry, Gerard was supposed to come over for dinner and to hang out over an hour ago. I raced over to his apartment. Thank god he once gave me a spare key to his apartment. I unlocked the door and walked in, kicking empty beer cans and empty take out trays as I moved about. Something didn’t feel right, there was no music playing or television on as there always is when I come in. I looked and saw Katrina, Gerard’s girlfriend, asleep or passed out on the couch, I never know anymore with either of them all they do sometimes is get drunk for the hell of it, judging by the empty bottle of vodka laying on the floor by the couch it seems like she’s passed out once again.

I sighed and started to search the apartment, I know Gerard’s been using drugs. I can see it in his eyes, I thought the pills were enough for him. I know I should have confronted him about it, but I’ve popped a pill here and there every so often and when aren’t me and the rest of the band drunk sometimes, it’s fun, it’s what we do. But with Gerard he takes it over board, I walked towards the staircase, maybe he’s in his room sleeping I hoped. I saw a crack of light pouring out from the bathroom door. Curiosity gripped me in a vice and I was compelled to the light, wondering if my older brother was in there, yet I heard no noise.

With one hand I clasped onto the door knob and with the other I gently knocked on the door. “Gerard?, in there” I asked gently. I heard nothing, a pin could drop and it would sound like a bomb the whole place was just that silent. “I’m coming in Gerard” I warned as I turned the knob slowly. The door creaked open and the sight that laid before me made my knees weak and my eyes burn as the tears began to fall. “Gerard! Gerard!” I croaked out as I shook his cold body. There was a pool of blood surrounding his head and soaking his greasy long black hair. He didn’t seem to be breathing, and I could hardly breath at the sight of this. I don’t know what to do, what’s going on, how long has he been out? So many questions,...too many fucking questions and I’m starting to crack. Maybe Katrina can help, I ran and almost slipped on Gerard’s blood as I tried to quickly get up and get to his girlfriend. I pray to God that someone will help.