Status: Now back in action

Invisible Ink

Chapter 1

It was sometime right before lunch. The exact time was a bit fuzzy. I didn’t remember much at all really. But I remembered how it started…


“Why don’t you do everyone a favor and just f***ing kill yourself! The only thing a piece of dirt like you is good for is…oh wait, you’re not good for anything! Go back to the garbage can you crawled out of!!!” These were the words of the head cheerleader Jessica. Everyone was watching only adding to my humiliation. I had started to cry all ready and I felt my face get hot. Then, I got mad…real mad.

*End of flashback*

The doctors told me that I had savagely beaten her. That I had clawed at her face and ripped her hair. And all the while I yelled, “Die you piece of sh**!!! Who’s the garbage now b****!!!” I couldn’t believe it…I didn’t want to believe it. But they had pictures. Those images haunted my every thought. Both of her eyes were black and swollen, her nose was broken, her lips were busted, and she had cuts and bruises everywhere. I cracked 2 of her ribs too. But I didn’t come away unharmed. It took everyone a second to realize what was happening then they were in action. They tried to rip me off her but somehow I managed to keep at her for 5 minutes. The security guards had to hit me over the head to knock me out before they could call the ambulance.

My mom had just gotten to my room and she gave me the most horrible look in the world. It was a look that was full of embarrassment, shock, and anger. But the only thing that mattered to me was what she said. “You are no daughter of mine.” Then she was gone. The doctor told me that she was putting me in an orphanage. But the place they sent me was an orphanage for crazy and sadistically violent children.

St. Maria’s Children’s Asylum.

*Two days later*

I was standing outside the doors with my stuff and two guards standing behind me. They urged me forward and I walked inside. I heard several screams coming from different rooms throughout the building. A nurse in a white uniform was waiting for me. “Hello Emma my name is Nurse Amelia and I’m going to show you where you will be staying.” She said these meaningless words with a weird smile like, ‘I’m gonna pretend to be nice to you so you don’t kill me.’ But I just wanted to die. ‘I don’t belong here’ I thought as I followed her down the hall.

She stopped in front of a door with a 657 written in black ink on the top. “Here you are. Please unpack and make yourself as comfortable as possible. Let me know if I can do anything for you. I’ll be back in an hour to give you your medication and take you to lunch.” She gave me that same weird smile and shut the door. I heard her hastily lock it. She was very scared of me. My guess was that she read my file. I sighed. ‘Please God, just smite me all ready.’
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The chapters are short now but once I get a little more into the story they will get longer.