Status: Now back in action

Invisible Ink

Chapter 2

After I finished unpacking my few things I took a close look at where I was. When you first look around it seems like a blank empty room. But if you look closely at the walls you can see scratch marks from the previous occupants. It sent a shiver up my spine to think what kind of people were here. Just then I heard my door being unlocked. I turned around to see the same nurse as before. She was carrying a cup of water and two green capsules. “All right here you go, just take these and we can go to lunch.” I gulped the pills and water. “Follow me.” I did as she said and we walked out of my new ‘cell’.

When we neared the cafeteria I started to feel better. I could hear the voices of many people on the other side of the doors. As we walked in Amelia stopped. “Well this is just like any other lunch room so I assume you know what you’re doing.” I nodded shyly. “Well then I’ll be on my way. Also when you’re done and want to go back to your room, just tell one of the nurses.” I nodded and made my way to the line. It surprised me how similar this place was to a normal school. You know, minus the cells, screaming, and medication…actually scratch that, it’s exactly like school. I was looking for a place to sit when I notice two eyes boring right back into mine. She gave me a wave over and I happily made my way over, grateful not to be alone.

As I sat down she introduced herself. “Hi, I’m Megan.” She had wavy blonde hair that just barely touched her back. I slightly smiled. “I’m Emma.” Just then I noticed two other girls and a guy sitting with us. And they were all staring at me. “Hi.” I said again weakly. “Oh sorry this is Amy, Blake, and Harper.” Amy had long wavy jet black hair with vivid green eyes. It was almost disturbing how bright they were. Blake had short straw colored hair with sad brown eyes. But Harper was the most uniquely pretty girl I’d ever seen. She had straight light brown shoulder length hair. And her eyes were a swirl of dark blue and gray. I’m sure I must have looked stupid just staring at them all but I really couldn’t help it.

“So what are you here for?” Amy was almost staring me down as she asked this. I wasn’t really sure if I should tell them or not but it didn’t really matter anymore. “I blacked out and mauled a girl at my school.” I thought she would freak out but instead she said, “Hmm not bad, you should only be here for about a year maybe six months.” She just shrugged it off. “What about you guys? What did you do?” I thought it would be okay since they asked me first. “Amy has a multiple personality disorder, Blake is a severe bipolar, and Harper is a violent schizophrenic. And I am an emotionally unstable psychopath.” My eyes widened as I heared her say that. “W-what?” I wasn’t exactly sure why I was so shocked considering where I am. “What did you f***ing expect? That we were just some sad bunch of little kids? Well guess what, we’re not and neither are you!” I stared at Blake. Now I see why he’s bipolar. “Blake it’s okay calm down.” Amy was trying to soothe him.

“So I guess that means you’re psycho like Megan and vicious like Blake.” Harper said with a wicked grin. “No I’m not! I’m nothing like you guys! I’m not crazy I just freaked out okay?!” I was standing up and everyone was looking at me. As I turned around I saw two male nurses coming towards me and one was taking out some sort of syringe with a red liquid inside. “Ooh you’ve done it now!” Megan was looking down shaking her head. “What do you mean?” I was panicking now they kept getting closer and closer. Almost in slow motion. But I couldn’t move. “In their eyes you are crazy and every time you have an outburst like that, you get a tranquilizer filled with juice to take down a herd of elephants.” By then they were in front of me and one had my arms pinned behind my back while the other painfully injected me with it. Then everything went dark.

I awoke the next morning in my bed with a massive headache. I tried to rub my head but something stopped me. My hands were bound to the bed. ‘What the f***?’ I wanted to sit up but my chest was strapped down too. I closed my eyes and sighed.

I laid there for about another 3 hours just waiting for someone to open the door and unlock me but no one came. Another hour later a new nurse came in. “Oh thank God!! I thought you guys were gonna leave me like this all day!!” My smile disappeared as she brought in a tray of food. “You are. I just came in here to give you your lunch.” I couldn’t believe my ears. “Y-you can’t do that!!! I-it’s inhumane!!!” She just shrugged. “So?” I was appalled. “Well what if I have to use the bathroom?” I was sure this would make her let me loose. But I was wrong again. “Do I look like I care? I’m not the one who has to clean you off so you can just s*** your pants for all I care!”

I didn’t speak after that and neither did she. She just fed me my food and left. I started to silently cry. Some time later one of the male nurses came in to check on me. “Please,” I whispered “let me go.” I felt tears on my cheeks. He gave me a sympathetic look and sat on the edge of my bed. He softly wiped away my tears. “I’m so sorry.” He said. “I shouldn’t be doing this but you don’t deserve this.” He started to unstrap my hands but just then another man burst through the door.

“What do you think you’re doing Justin?” He looked scared. He glanced down at me and his eyes turned soft. “She shouldn’t be tied up like this. She didn’t do anything.” His eyes never left mine. The other man came over to us. “I don’t care if she did anything or not! Orders are orders!! Get out now.” He did as he was told and left. The other man tied my hands back up and then whispered in my ear. “I hear you’re a feisty one.” His hand slid up my chest. I gasped. “I’m hoping they’re right.” I started to whimper. “Please stop.” He got up and smirked at my expression. “Don’t worry,” He said. “I’ll be back.” And with that he left. I started to cry again. ‘Please, some one save me…’
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*Here the song for this chapter!!! Disturbed-Inside the Fire!!!!*