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Say Hello, Not Goodbye

Blankety. Blank.


Dedicated to jaylon1134 .. enjoyy :D i love you honestly :) <3
White. White walls. White halls. Plain. Blank. White. That's all that Holly could see as she opened her eyes. She tried sitting up but was retrained by a nurse.
Blank. That's how Faith felt. Faith. Funny. Her name was an irony. She was meant to be the one with faith who kept on holding onto something and keeping strong when everyone else fell, when everyone else failed.
Tick tock. That stupid damn clock. Minutes passed, yet no news of Holly. Tick tock. Okay, he was gonna kill that clock. And one more thing, could Scott please stop pacing like that?
Not Holly. No. Keep walking. Keep walking. Not Holly no.
"Where am i?" Holly croaked out. She shook her head and swallowed hard as her right hand went up to her throat.
"Hospital. " The kind plump nurse answered helping her lie back down. Holly felt a faint headache coming.
She shook her head as her eyes widened.

"Ho-how did i get here?"She stuttered out.
"Well you fainted in school and your friends quickly called the ambulance. Good they did or something could have happened to the baby."
Baayy... say what now?!
"Wha-what?!"Holly shot up yelling.
"Baby. You're pregnant. Well foetus to be exact."
"I'm pre-pre-pre-pre..."Holly trailed off in disbelief.
The nurse nodded.
"Wait you didn't know?"She asked in disbelief.
Holly shook her head.
"Well you're pregnant and it seems lately you haven't been taking good care of yourself properly. You haven't been eating or anything." The nure scolded.
"This could have a incredibly bad impact on the baby." The nurse informed with a stern look. Holly nodded barely taking anything in.
Her eyes wide in disbelief.
How could she be-?
No. It couldn't be-?
But.. no.

"Are you okay?"The nurse asked stopping mid way, her eyes shining with concern for Holly. Holly nodded. Okay Holly time to think. Quick thinking time.
"Well your parents should be here soon. But your friends can come in right now. Especially the fellow who's been watching the clock tick by and the other fellow who's been pacing about in the entire hospital."
Scott and Chris. Typical.
A soft smile reached Holly's face.
Before it was wiped away. Parents. Mum. Dad. Oh no.
She was pregnant.
She Holly was pregnant.
She Holly Straight A student, singer, musician, waitress, chris's girlfriend, faith's bestfriend, tutorgirl, scott's bonnie, was pregnant.
She.. Holly Jaylyn Turner was pregnant.
And she Holly Jaylyn Turner.. was doomed.