The School Of...............?

The begining.

Um, well. Lets see. I'm...., Jamey. Kinda weird name, but if you don't like it, blame my mom.

My parents have been together for 10 of the 15 years of my life. They split when I was 10 and decided they didn't want me. But being the ''good'' parents that they are, they left me with my friends, Austin and Colton.

Austin and Colton have been with me through everything. Mostly. I don't know what I would do without them.
And then there's the others friends i didn't mention.
There's JJ. The semi-perv.
There's Mason. The one I have liked since i met him.
And there's Tony. The one you can't understand.
Those are my main friends.

I'm a freshman at high school, along with my friends. So we're all kinda new at the high school thing. But then again, we're the people that don't care what you think about us.