
New Neighbors

"Shanti! Phone!"

I roll off my bed and pick up the phone on the side table. The caller ID says 'Jackson'. The Jacksons are my neighbors that live across the street, they probably need me to babysit.


"Ashanti. I was just calling to ask, are you busy this weekend?" Ms. Jackson asks from the other line.

"No i am not. Do you need me to babysit the girls?"

She sighs. "Yes. I have a ton of things to do."

Hilary Jackson is a single mother with 4, yes, 4 children. All girls and quadruplets!

"No problemo. What time do you need me over?" I ask getting off the floor and over to my closet.

"Half an hour. Thank you so much!"

"You are welcome." I hang up.

My mother walks in. "Babysitting?"

"Yep." i respond pulling out an too big hoodie off a hanger and over my head.

"I thought you had plans with Marlessa today?" she says folding her arms across her chest.

"I did but i'd rather spend my day with 4 hyper-active 8 year olds than 'Lets go look for you a guy at the mall, Ti-Ti!'" i imitate Marlessa's annoying peppy voice.

She laughs shaking her head leaving me to put on my pants. I just pull on a pair of baggy jogging pants and some slippers. I grab my phone(even though i know no one's going to call except maybe Lessa), my wallet for pizza money and whatever else the girls want, and some of my make up(they said next time they come over they want me to do their makeup like mine).

I walk downstairs and out the front door. The first thing i see is a moving truck and a big black Escalade. That must be the new neighbors. A girl steps out of the passenger. She is really pretty. Long dark hair, blond streaks, really tall. When she see me looking she smiles and waves. I wave back and walk to check the mailbox. I open it and there is a letter for me, from Marlessa's boyfriend.

"Huh?" i turn around still staring at the letter only to bump into someone. I look up to see that girl from next door. She's even prettier up close. Brown eyes surrounded by dark makeup, full pouty lips, brow pierced. Oh great another girl for the little boys in the neighborhood to obsess over.

"Uh...may i help you?" i raise an eye brow. She's standing pretty close to me. Um....Awkward!

"I just came over to introduce myself." she says in a thick accent. German i think. Her voice is kinda deep too. "I am Bill Kaulitz."

My eyes go wide. That's not a girl name. I laugh a little and extending my hand out. "Hello Bill. I'm Ashanti Weeks. Welcome to the neighborhood."

He takes it and shakes it lightly. "Thank you." his nail are beautiful. He lets my hand go.

"Where are you from?" Wow im being social! For the first time in my life.

"Germany." I nod.

I look across the street to see Mrs. Jackson getting ready to get in her car.

"Oh i have to go. It was nice meeting you um...Bill." i don't wait for his response i run across the street.

"I will be home at 11. You know the girl's bedtime. If they give you any trouble, just call my cell."

I smile. "Okay. See you tonite."

She gives me a smile, gets into her car and drive away, As im watching the car down the street i notice a guy with really baggy clothes. Long blond dreads tied up in a pony tail and a hat turned to the side. He's staring at me.

"Shanti!" All four girls call and hug me. I look down at them, smile spread across the identical faces.

"Hey girls." i hug them back.

"Guess where mom took us!" Micha jumps up and down excitedly.

"Where did she take you?"

"Hot Topic!"

"Cool. How about we go inside? I can do your makeup and dress up, and we can have a fashion show." I say leading the girls into the house.

"Yeah!" they all run in.

I turn around again. That guy is still watching me, he's smiling. I make my way quickly into the house.
*Next Day*

My alarm goes off for me to get ready for school. I'm already up, i just get finished putting on my shoes.

I hit the off button and see the letter from Leon on the side table. I still haven't opened it yet. I walk downstairs to the kitchen. My mom is scrabbling eggs.

"Want some eggs, sweetie?" she asks in her sweet tone.

"No thanks. Just orange juice." I grab a glass and pour a half of cup of orange juice. I gulp it down, sling my messenger bag over my shoulder, kiss my mom good bye and make my way outside to walk to school.

It's kind of hot today so take my hoodie off. As im stuffing it into my bag i get the feeling that someone is watching me. I turn to look behind me and im right, there is a car following me. Not just any car, an Escalade. I turn around and keep walking hoping it will go away.

It doesn't. The car pulls up by me and the window rolls down. It's the guy with the dreads from yesterday.

"Are you going to school?"


"Hey do you need a ride?" he asks in a thick German accent.

"N-no. No thank you." i studder out and keep walking looking at the ground.

"Come on i will take you. It will be quicker and you wont get sweaty." he says stopping the car.

True, true. I stop walking and look up at him pushing my bangs out of my face. I don't want to be all sweaty. "S-sure."

I walk around the car and get in on the passenger and close the door. He pulls off and starts down the street.

It was silent until he spoke.

"I see you met my baby brother yesterday. Bill." he says not taking his eyes off the road.



"You are really quiet you know that?" he say with a chuckle.

'I'm nervous. You would be too if you were in a car with a gangster looking dude.' i think to myself.

"How old are you?" he glances at me.

"I just turned 16." i answer looking at him. Wow he is gorgeous. Beauty marks on his face and neck. "I never caught your name."

"Oh. It's Tom. Ashanti right?" he pulls into the school car rider lane. I nod.

"Thanks." i say getting out of the car.

He nods and says "Welcome." and drives off

I go into the school to my locker. The first person i see is...Marleesa. Great!

"Ti-Ti. Where were you yesterday? I had found you a guy at the park." she asks trying to look pissed but it didn't work.

"I had to babysit. $20 a child or a guy trying to look down my shirt?" i roll my eyes.

She narrows her eyes at me. "Are you sure you like boys?"

I stare at her with wide eyes and mouth agape. "How could you ask me something like that?!"

"Well..." she starts, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear, "You've never had a boyfriend, every boy that asks you out you say no."

I roll my eyes.

"And those were some really hot guys!" she points to Charlie. Captain of the football team, he asked me out last week. I said no.

"I don't like muscley guys, Leesa." I start walking away.

"Well he was so hot and you just let him go!" she follows me.

"Look i don't have time for boyfriends and all the drama that comes with them." i walk into my first period class and take my usual seat in the back
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