You Were Never A Friend To Me, And You Can Keep All Your Misery

Here it Goes Again

I took a bigger sip of my red bull and vodka as I stared at Alex kissing some other girl's neck. That's how it all started. I was once that girl giggling at his warm, soft touch over my icy skin.

"Stop torturing yourself!" My best friend, Anglela called over the music.

"I'm not" I muttered back.

Angela followed my gaze. "He's just going to forget her in the morning"

"And that makes it okay? That's not fair for anyone!"

"Okay, so he's a little horny, we're young, we're free, and it's spring break! Chillax!!"

I rolled my eyes at my drunk BFF and went on a hunt for Jack.

Jack was always there for me when I wanted to blow off steam. All my steam was usually aimed toward Alex Gaskarth, just because he fucking led me on and made me believe I was in love. Which I was. Jack is my older brother, Max's old friend. He still is, but ever since Max went to college he went all Ivy League on us.

I chose to skip my senior year of high school to travel on tour with my best friends. Now who wouldn't want that?

My parents, that's who.

They totally hemorrhaged out on me, but I used the whole "I'm eighteen and I can do what I want and I don't care if I throw my fucking life away" bit on them. Of course it didn't work at first, considering my whole family puts school second behind family, and everyone in my Intermediate family attended Yale Law School. What'd they do?

Let's just say they were pissed.

Back to reality, I tore through the crowd until I found Zack.

"Hey Zacky, where's Jack?" I asked.

"I think he's in the bus with some girl, why?"

I inwardly groaned. Jack was such a man whore.

"It's Alex" I grumbled miserably.

"Don't worry about him. Unless he's too wasted to remember condoms"

Uh, ew?


"Oh, yeah sorry, I forgot." He smiled sympathetically.

I crossed my arms and forced myself to look away from Alex.

"Wanna dance?" Zack asked.

"Yeah" I smiled weakly.

I grinded against Zack to Good Girls Go Bad of course in a friendly way. Me and Zack would be nothing but friends. Or me and Rian. Me and Jack were a different story, and as for Alex?

Well...he's a long story...
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First story EVER on mibba!! Sorry, its kinda short, just because its the first chapter. I'm so excited for this!!!