You Were Never A Friend To Me, And You Can Keep All Your Misery


Alex's P.O.V.

The dinner that night was a complete disaster.

Stella refused to talk to me, and even Angela. Zack was pissed, too, as if I didn't feel bad enough.

Martin was all over her, kissing her, and I was pretty convinced it was nearly impossible to ever win Stella over.

"What are you thinking about, man?" Jack asked. I was drinking my problems away with a bottle of Heineken.

"Stella" I answered, wishing the beer would make me numb already.

"Maybe it's not even worth it, dude"

"But I like her... I think she's funny and pretty"

"I think you've had a little to much to drink"

"I need to see her"

"You aren't going anywhere, Alex. Talk to her tommorow"

"But Jack, I think I love her..." I slurred.

"Do you even know what you're saying? You never love anyone, man"

"I love her"

"You need some sleep"

I drank more of the beer miserably.

"Its two AM. I'm going to bed, Alex, you'll see Stel when you're sober" Jack said before he headed back into his room.

No. I needed to see her now.

I grabbed my keys out of the bowl and headed out into the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
ALEX!!! Don't u know drunk driving is HORRIBLE!?!?!?!

What will happen next?

Still typing on a Touch, so plz excuse my mistakes and the fact that it's really short. I promise you it will get way better