You Were Never A Friend To Me, And You Can Keep All Your Misery

You're A Jerk

Stella's P.O.V.

"Hey mom. Hey dad" I smiled widely as I entered the den of my parents' house, so relieved that Martin was leaving for tour today.

"Why are you so glad?" My father asked.

"She's fucking Gaskarth" Angela said carelessly.

My father nearly choked on his coffee.

"Am not! Shut up, Ang" I giggled.

"Well, I must say I would've loved you with Martin, but, i'm sure Alex is a very respectable boy" my mom sighed,

"In bed" Angela muttered. My mom gave her a dirty look and I rolled my eyes.

"Speaking of hot guys, where's Max?" Angela asked.

"He's with Martin" my dad said.

Me and Angela exchanged worried looks.

"He's on tour today" I said.

"No..he's decided to stay with us until Max is due back this semester. The tour was delayed. Such a nice boy"


"They should be back right about now, why don't you two stay for dinner?"

"Nah, we gotta-"

"Didn't you tell us yesterday All Time Low has meet and greets all day?"

Me and Angela sighed. You can never say no to my mother.


"I insist"

Whatever. "We'll be upstairs then"

Angela followed me to my room.

"What now? Martin's gonna freak when he finds out I'm with Alex" I said.


"Ang. I have a heart, okay? I can't just rub it in his face that I'm with Alex!"

"Who cares? Stel, the guys a total dickhead. You should rub it in his face. He proposed!"

"Exactly! He proposed! He loved me!"


A knock on the door interrupted our conversation.

"Dinner, girls" The maid, Arielle, smiled tightly.

"Thanks" we muttered.

Arielle smiled and left.

"Showtime!" Angela smiled.

I rolled my eyes and followed my best friend downstairs.

"So, Max, how's school?" My father asked once we all settled at the table.

I didn't pay attention to Max's response. I felt guilty for leading Martin on. Techincally, I didn't. I mean, I really did like him at first. But my heart had to go and have a mind of it's own. But I definetly didn't regret the fact that I was in love with Alex.

"We saw Jack, Rian, Alex, and Zack at the meet and greet today" Max added.

"Did you?" My mother asked.

"Yeah, Boys Like Girls, We The Kings, All Time Low, Hey Monday, and Forever The Sickest Kids were there"

"Did you boys hang out with Jack, Alex, Rian, and Zack?"

"No" Martin snapped. We all looked at him.

"Well, uh, I did. Martin was busy" Max explained.

"You didn't want to talk to them, then?" Angela asked Martin.

"No. I didn't, because that stupid bastard stole Stella" Martin growled.

I scoffed. "He didn't steal me. Choosing him was my idea"

"Shitty idea"

"You're just jealous you can't have me!"

"I am because I love you! I can't just let him steal you away from me!"

"I'm not anyones fucking property!"

"Stella. Language" My mom snapped.

"Whatever. I'm not hungry. Let's go Angie" I sniffed, getting up from the table.

Angela followed as we started to walk outside.

"Hey!" Martin shouted.

I turned around. "What?!"

"This isn't over"

"You don't scare me, Johnson" I lied.

"Guys" Angela sighed.

"Lets go" I rolled my eyes and went into my car.

Stupid jerk.
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Tension!! Sorry i didn't update yesterday,

Busy as hell!! School starts in 2 days