You Were Never A Friend To Me, And You Can Keep All Your Misery

Memories Left Abandoned


I stroked the beautiful girl beside me's soft jet black hair.

Stella looked so peaceful when she slept. It was like seeing her for the first time; the other times I had been too wasted to recognize who she really is.

My soulmate.

Stella Peyton Taylor and Alex William Gaskarth. Sort of had a ring to it, right?

My thoughts were interupted when I heard the front door open and laughs filter the room across the house.

Sighing, I threw on some jeans before I walked out to yell at my friends.

"Hey Alex!" Zack trilled, dropping his coat to the ground.

"Shut up, man! Stel's asleep" I snapped.

"You finally hit that?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Guess who we saw at the club" Rian said.

"I wonder"

"Dude! You should be thanking us, we totally covered your ass tonight" Jack said.

"What happened?"

"We saw Zoey. She knew we would be there so she was looking for you"

I stiffened. "What did you tell her?!"

"Calm down, man. We told her you were at home writing a song" Rian explained.

"Yeah, she wanted to go home and visit you...and we all know how awkward that would be" Jack added.

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed audibly.

"Are you okay, man?" Zack asked.

"You guys gotta promise you won't tell Stella"

"Yeah, okay...but why? You guys broke up months ago"

"Not officially" I muttered.

"What do you mean not officially? Jack asked.

"We kind of... just stopped...talking after we left for Warped" I explained uneasily.

"So you two could still be together..."

I shrugged, feeling nausea flash over me. I should of broke up with her months ago.

But the thing is, Zoey is an extremely emotional girl. She cut herself and cried when we fought one night, my pictures all over her wall, she's pretty obsessive.

If she ever found out about Stella, I couldn't imagine what she would do to herself.

And if Stella ever found out any of this... I couldn't break her heart.

Not again.
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GUYS I missed this story!!

School started up yesterday, and I've been busy with friends and everything!!

But don't be afraid to comment, suscribe, message, or rate.

I love you guys and I don't bite!!