You Were Never A Friend To Me, And You Can Keep All Your Misery


Stella's P.O.V.

I felt Alex press warm kisses against my stomach and opened my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I whispered, trying to hold in a laugh. I'm very ticklish.

"They woke me up" Alex frowned, resting his head on my stomach. Leaving me very self-conscious. You aren't supposed to touch a girl's stomach, unless you have permission.

"Well now you woke me up" I giggled.

"I love you" He whispered. I felt his messy hair on my stomach and started stroking it.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Mmm hmm"

I had a distant feeling he was lying, but i decided to let it go. I just had amazing sex, anyway. Whatever it was, it could wait.

"What time is it?" I asked, reaching for my cell phone.

"I dint know. 5:00 AM or something"

"You woke me up at 5 Gaskarth?!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry" He smiled innocently. It was so hard to be mad at him.

"Just go to sleep" I laughed, pushing him off me playfully.

A few hours later, I decided to hang out with Angela at the mall.

"So tell me everything! Was he good? Did he suck?" She asked frantically.

"He was pretty good. But isn't every time good?" I laughed.

"It's probably just because he's the only guy you've slept with" she pointed out.

I shrugged. "Let's go to Hot Topic"

After picking out some new red skinnies and a We The Kings Panda Tee, we checked out.

"Hello. Is this all?" The blonde cashier asked.


"So did you ever find out Alex's problem?" Angela asked.

"Nope, I'm gonna ask him later. I didn't feel like drama this morning. You know, because last night was amazing..."

"OK, I get it. Alex Gaskarth is a sex god"

We heard an object drop from behind the counter, and turned to look at the blonde girl.

"I'm sorry, did you say Alex Gaskarth?!" She asked.

"Yeah, he's my boyfriend" I gushed. I couldn't help but show off.

"No! He's my boyfriend!"

I stared at the dumb blonde.

"Oh shit" Angela laughed in disbelief.

"Sorry, but who the hell are you?" I asked, crossing my arm. I wasn't going to let some crazed fan get in the way of my perfect day.

"Who the hell are you?!'

"I asked first"

"Fine. Zoey Howard. You?"

I gasped in disbelief. Zoey?! How come I didn't notice before? She was the slut who hooked up with Alex months ago. Obviously they broke up, right? Alex wouldn't cheat on me. He just wouldn't...would he?

"Stella Taylor. We've been going out for about a month" I sniffed.

"I'm sure"

I looked at Angela for help.

"Look, bitch. Alex has a girlfriend. You guys broke up" she said.

"No we didn't. I mean, we haven't talked for a while, but we definitely didn't break up. He said we would be together forever" Zoey said.

I wasn't sure what to say to that. I was frozen. "You're lying"

"No. Ask him. We're soul mates. He said we'd be together forever and he wouldn't ever love anyone else. Isn't that cute? So stay the fuck away from my boyfriend" Zoey snapped, handing me my clothes in the cute Hot Topic bag.

I looked her over. She was blonde with pretty hazel eyes and very tall and skinny. I felt ugly, short, and fat. Why would Alex ever choose me over her?

"Let's go" I told Angela quietly.

"This isn't over!" Angela called as we left the store.

"Just let it go" I whispered.

"You don't honestly believe she's right?"

"I don't even know what to believe right now. Did you see her? She's gorgeous"

"So are you!"

"Let's just go home"
♠ ♠ ♠
)-: poor Stella. She thinks she's ugly. But don't all girls think they're ugly? you guys ARE NOT ugly!!

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I'm gettin more stars!! More comments, maybe?