You Were Never A Friend To Me, And You Can Keep All Your Misery

Did You Forget?

The next morning on the tour bus, pretty much everyone was hungover from the party all night.

Except me, of course, the one who is always sober enough to get us back to the bus.

It's not like I didn't like holding peoples' hair while they rode the porcelain bus...okay, I totally hated it.

That's why when we got to California, I couldn't wait to get to me and Angela's apartment.

Only to be followed by All Time Low, of course.

"I can't believe tour's over!" Angela groaned as she threw her bag onto the couch.

I, for one, missed home like crazy. Just because I woudn't see the boy I once fell for sleep around senselessly anymore.

"Are you okay, Stel?"

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine"

"You look all, tired and shit"

"I'm not tired, why would I be if I was on a tour for two months and 13 hours of sleep?" I giggled.

Angela smirked and head to the refridgerator like she always did as soon as we got home.

"I'm gonna go take a shower, and maybe rest a little" I said.

"well, hurry up, the guys are coming over in like 10 minuets"

"You never tell me anything anymore"

"Sorry, hon" my best friend smiled sweetly.

I rolled my eyes and headed for my room. I took a shower, letting the hot water wash over my cool skin.

After, I stressed out over finding the perfect outfit [img][/img]

I heard loud shouting from the living room and knew that the boys were here. I sighed and looked myself over one more time. Why was I trying so hard. It's not like I was in love with them...

Well, I am, but in a friend way, of course.

"Hey guys" I smiled as I entered the living room.

"Stella!" Jack shouted and immedietly hugged my waist and picked me up.

"You smell good"

"Thanks Jack, put me down!" i giggled, slapping his arm playfully.

Zack was busy making out with Angela, so I ignored greeting him.

"Hey Rian" I said, giving him a hug.

"You do smell good"

I rolled my eyes and mananged a weak smile for Alex. Even though I completley hated him with a burning passion, I could at least be nice.

"Hey, Stella, don't I get a hug?" he asked.

"No" I said, my smile dissapearing immedietly.

"Stella, be nice" Jack warned.

I rolled my eyes. "We just saw eachother fucking 20 minuets ago"

"You hugged us" Rian pointed out.

I frowned and awkwardly wrapped my arms around Alex's waist.

It felt warm and he smelled like axe cologne.

I realized that I clung to him a little longer than I should of and unwrapped myself from him.

"You smell like strawberries" he smiled.

I rolled my eyes.

"Let's watch a movie!" Angela said once she seperated from Zack/

"Count me out, I'm gonna get some sleep" I said.

"BE A WHORE, NOT A BORE" Jack shouted after me.

I rolled my eyes and walked to my room, but Alex slid in front of my room before I could enter it.

"Move, Gaskarth"

"Not until you tell me why you've been such a bitch to me latley"

"ughh...why do you think??"

"I honeslty don't know"

"You really don't know?"

Alex shook his head and I attempted to push him aside, but he wouldn't budge.

"Move! God, Alex!" I groaned.

"Why are you being so mean to me?"

I didn't respond. I crossed my arms and looked down the hall.

"I miss hanging out with you" he said.

"Why don't you go hang out with those other sluts you lead on?" I snapped, pushing him aside with force, went in to me room, shut the door and locked it, and cried on my bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
OoOoOoOoOo what will happen next?

I'm still new at this, so please excuse my poor grammer (-: my hair is always in my face blocking my view of the screen.

Remember that song Running by no doubt? it's in my head all the time now (-: