You Were Never A Friend To Me, And You Can Keep All Your Misery

I'm Not Okay

Stella's P.O.V.

" to Alexxx" Angela begged. I was lying on the couch in the living room of my apartment, trying to get sense from the situation. Alex stopped calling last night and I figuered he must of got tired of me ignoring him. It made me feel like throwing up. I felt guilty.

"He's not even talking to me" I said quietly.

"He will if you call him"


"At least come to their house? I'm heading over there, Jack and Rian are out, and it's just going to be me, Zack, you, and Al-"

"Ang? Really? I'm not in the mood for one of your double dates. Besides, you would just be making out with Zack the whole time" I pointed out, a little annoyed.

"Would not! Stella Peyton Taylor. You are a bitter person. But I love ya"

I waved her out the door and sat back down on the couch, in just a gray camisole and some boyshorts. I popped a random Sandra Bullock DVD; While You Were Sleeping into the player. It sounded depressing to me. Even though it was a sunny day, and mid-afternoon, the curtains were closed, giving it a dark, depressing look. Just how I felt. Once I dicovered the movie was a romance, I switched it off and lied on the couch, tears falling down my face.

There was a knock on my door, and I hoped it was Alex, even though I was mad as hell at him, I wanted to let him know I don't hate him. I needed to make damn sure of it.

I opened the door and my hopes fell when I saw Martin there, holding a covered container.

"What?" I snapped.

"Your mom asked me to bring you some food. She's worried about you"

I grabbed the container and looked inside. Cassarole. Gag. "Did she really send you or did she ask my brother?" I asked, popping the container to the bag of the refridgerator. Martin had followed me inside.

"Well...Max was busy"

"Fine. You can leave" I said. I really wasn't in the mood for snappy comments.

"Are you okay? You've been it because of Alex?"

I don't know how or why I could ever explain the situation to Martin, But I suddenly started to spill my heart out breathlessly.

"It's his fault anyway for the whole thing! I mean, duh, he has two girlfriends! Why the fuck should I feel guilty? It's him! it's always him! So now he's ignoring me and I don't even know if we're together or if we broke up" I said in one breath.

"If he's such a jerk to you, why do you stay with him?"

"Because he's not a jerk. He's really sweet and nice. He's just clueless. And I really love him"

"But sometimes the one you love could be the enemy"

"What am I going to do?" I cried, hugging Martin. I didn't know what possessed me to do that, I guess it was just because he was a person. And when I'm upset, all I need is someome to hold.

Even if it was Martin.

Alex's P.O.V.

I was getting sick of being in the same room as Zack and Angela. All they did was make out. There's more to relationships than sexual stuff, right? I wonder if that's what their relationship is about. Me and Stella weren't like that. She liked talking and laughing, and she always smiles.

I found out more about her than I would ever imagine. Like, she loves animals, hates country music, absolutley hates Lady Gaga, and is in love with Russel Brand.

"That British Guy?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think he's so funny, I mean, yeah he's like a sex addict and stuff, but that's what makes him so funny"

"So addictions make people funnier?"

"Pretty much, yeah"

"Where have you been all my life?"

She laughs a light, airy, laugh and kisses me gently, her lips moving in synchronization of mine, her fingers running through my hair in the summer breeze...

I snapped back to reality and cleared my throat, so the two perverted lovers would seperate.

"I'm going to see Stel" I announced.

"About time" Zack said.

"Go, she's probrably depressign herself with cheesy romantic comedies right now" Angela said.

The reason I haven't been talking to her is obvious. I figuered that she needed to be alone. I knew Stel, and knowing her, I knew she liked to cool off before she rushes back into things.

The drive to her apartment was short, and when I got the front desk, then up to her floor, I knocked lightly. No one answered, and I figuered she must be asleep or something. The door was unlocked so I just walked in.

Only to see my girlfriend crying, her arms around Martin, and her head against his chest. His hands were all over her back.
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OOOOOhhhh!!! You know what the say, "What comes around, goes around!!" What will Alex do?

Guess what guys! One more star!!

More comments plz, I love them to death!!