You Were Never A Friend To Me, And You Can Keep All Your Misery

I'm Terrified To Speak, But You'd Expect That From Me

Stella's P.O.V.

I didn't see Alex the next day.

Or the next few weeks after that.

I figured he didn't ever want to see me again, and I wasn't exactly sure why. I guess he was sick of me. But...I wanted to see him so bad. Ever since we had sex, I just wanted to make things right, even if I had a broken heart. I was worried.

I knocked on the door of ATL's house about three weeks after the big fight.

When no one answered, I got worried again. I took out my cell and called Angela.

Angela was supposedly on vacation with Zack, leaving me bored, depressed, and anxious.

"Hey, Stel" Angela answered, sadly.

"Hi, what's wrong?" I asked.


"How's Cancun?"


I was getting nervous of the short answers. Angela was never this dull.

"Are you okay?" I asked.


"Ang, please, I really want to know what's going on. Where is everybody?"

I heard a sigh on the other end and Angela whisper something that sounded like, "It's my mom, she's talking to me about lady stuff, I'll be outside"

A few seconds later, Angela started spilling things out to me.

"I'm so sorry, Stel, but I had to go, I really didn't want to without you, but Zack said he wouldn't go if I didn't, and you know he's in the band, so I couldn't stay. How are you? Please don't kill me, Stel, please" She said quickly.

"Why would I want to go to Cancun with you?" I asked calmly.

"Oh...Stel, we're not in Cancun. We're on tour"

I felt my heart shatter to a million pieces. "Why didn't anyone tell me?" I whispered, barely audibly.

"Because Alex was mad. He didn't want you to go because he wouldn't be able to stand it without wanting you back. I'm not even supposed to be talking to you right now"

"Does he hate me?"

"I don't think so. Why would he hate you?"

I took a deep breath. "He walked in on me and Martin hugging, he got pissed, I got pissed, we said some things we didn't mean, like I told him I hated him. We had sex and he just left me"

I never said what really happened out loud, and once i did, it hurt more than I could imagine.

"Oh my god. Stel. I am so fucking sorry" Angela whispered.

I leaned against the door of All Time Low's house, tears falling from my face.

"It's not your fault"

"I can come home. I will. Forget about Zack, you need me"

"No,, just stay on tour. I can manage"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I gotta go" I said before hanging up.

I actually tried calling Alex, but it went straight to voicemail:

"Hey, it's Alex, leave a message if you're worth my time"

I took a deep breath. "Hey, it's Stel. Call me back, Alex, I really want to talk. Look, I really do love you, and..if I didn't, why would I be waisting your time? Um, please, I really want to talk about what happened. I love you. I just...I don't want to lose you. After all we've been through, why would we ever let two little people like Zoey and Martin get in the way of us?...Please, just call me. I need you"

I hung up before I could start crying again. I drove back home and threw up, though I wasn't really sure why. It was probably just the nerves.

Alex's P.O.V.

I stared at my phone after hearing my voicemail.

I didn't want to hurt Stella, that was never my intention.

I just didn't know if I could ever face her again.

"Hey, man" Jack said as he sat across from me in the bus.


"How're ya holdin up?"

"I feel fucking guilty. I just don't get it. She says she hates me and she wants me gone, now she says she loves me and she wants me back."

"She was probably PMSing that day or something. Girls never mean it when they say they hate somebody"

I shrugged, twirling the straw around in my can of Monster.

"Call her" Jack said,

I shook my head. "Not yet. I can't talk to her right now"

"Then when?"

I sighed. "Sometimes I think it would just be a hell of a whole lot better if we weren't in love with each other"

"Makes you wish you never slept with her last year, huh?"

"No, I don't regret that...I just regret that I never knew what I had until it was gone"

"Stella" Jack said.

"Stella" i repeated.
♠ ♠ ♠
This story is really kind of depressing me. I cried. YEAH I ACTUALLY CRIED. it reminds me of past relationships. ANYWHO, exited for the next chapters? I know I am (-:

Keep commenting, guyyyzzz, you make me happy