You Were Never A Friend To Me, And You Can Keep All Your Misery

I Can't Live Without You

Stella's P.O.V.

"How are you?" My mom asked as I walked into her house. I was torn between telling her I was pregnant, or just keeping the secret in all. The conversation between me and Angela earlier got me thinking.

"Have you considered the alternative?" Angela asked, looking at her nails.

"You mean abortion?! Are you kidding, Ang?"

"Just a question, don't flip, catholic"

I rolled my eyes. "I could, but I'd never forgive myself"

"Memories fade with time"

"Do you seriously think I should get rid of it?!"

"No, but if you won't tell Alex, what other choice do you have, Stel?"

"I'm good" I squeaked, in search of someone to talk to who isn't above the age of 25.

"Hey, Stella" Martin smiled as he walked in with Max.

"Hi" I forced a grin.

Seriously, how long is this boy going to be here?!

"What's wrong?" Max asked.

"Nothing" I lied, turning to leave before I said something I regret.

"Wait a minuet, Stella. I have to ask. Are you pregnant or not?" My mom asked with a concerned look, crossing her arms. I heard Max nearly choke, and Martin gasp. I looked at all of them. What did they expect me to say? Yes, I'm very much pregnant?

"No, I'm not pregnant!" I snapped. I was better at lying than I thought.

"Good. Because I've got you a date for tonight"

I raised my eyebrows at my mother, wanting to slap the silicone off her perfect little face. "I do not want to date, mother" I muttered through closed teeth.

"Why not? Since you've broken up with Alex, the least you could do is get back in the game"

A sudden idea popped in my head. It was risky, and sort of sinister, but it just might work. If Alex wasn't going to talk to me, I knew something that would surely set him off and want me back. "Who is he?"

A smile stretched across her face. "His name is Miles. He's such a cutie and he goes to UCLA. He's on scholarship and the football team"

Great, perfect. A football airhead. His feelings wouldn't get too hurt, would they? I mean, leading someone on is horrible, I should know, because Alex did it to me. But it served him right...after all he did to me. He is the father of my child for fuck's sake!

And I want him so bad.

"Great. Blind date sounds good, mom. Where?" I asked, pretending to be interested.

My mom filled me in on the details, and after she left, I knew Martin and Max were going to talk to me about it.

"What are you doing? You hate mom's dates" Max asked.

"I need a change" I shrugged.

"So that means you and Alex are done, forever?"

"I guess so"

"I can't believe you'd rather go out with some football jerk than me" Martin grumbled, crossing his arms. I smirked.

Now all I needed to do was go out on one little date and make sure everyone hears about it. Then, watch my plan unravel. If Alex didn't want me after that, then there is going to have to be drastic measures.
♠ ♠ ♠
Is Stel a bitch for leading someone on?
Will Alex freak out?
And what the hell is going to happen to the BABY???
You'll see...

Thanks alot guys, your comments are soo nice. I know I said pray for my daddy last chapter, and I'm glad you guys did! I know, you guys prob think I'm some saintly person becasue I pray. I AM a Catholic, and praying is one habit we never lose. Keep commenting, guyzz