You Were Never A Friend To Me, And You Can Keep All Your Misery

My Love Is Blind, Can't You See My Desire?

Stella's P.O.V.

"I'm Miles" The boy with sandy blonde hair slightly longer than any other normal boy said. He looked more like a surfer than a football player. I know, it's stereotypical, but he did have that surfer attitude. Plus he seemed sort of nervous. I felt kind of guilty.

"Stella" I smiled, as he pulled a chair out for me at the fancy restaurant. I'd so rather be at the mall, sharing french fries with Alex.

"So...what do you do?" He asked, not making any eye contact.

"I don't work. I'm eighteen" I said.

"So you're a student?"

"Not exactly. I dropped out before my senior year in high school"


I could of given him all the details on how I wanted to spend my life on tour with All Time Low, meeting the greatest bands, traveling around the world. I could of told him I was in love with Alex Gaskarth and I never wanted to be separated from him and do whatever it takes to be with him, but all that came out was; "I don't know"

"Oh" Miles said, looking down.

I felt sort of awkward. "So what do you do?"

Miles filled me in on his animated life, football games, surfing, (Who called it?), friends, college, frat parties...I was only half-listening. This was my first blind date in what seemed like forever. My stomach had butterflies, but not because of Miles. I knew I was going to throw up again, it was the baby.

I excused myself mid-sentence and puked in the nearest bathroom.

"Are you okay?" Miles asked when I returned.

"Fine. I had to...fix my make up" I lied.

"So, I was saying..."

I droned him out again, and I was relieved when the drink order came. And being in a fancy restaurant, i knew they probably didn't serve Sprite, Red Bull, Nas, or Monster.

"We have the best Chardonnay in all of California" The waiter said in what sounded like the fakest french accent I have ever heard.

"What do you think?" Miles asked.

My motherly instincts kicked in.

"I can't drink"

Alex's P.O.V.

"You didn't call me over us over so I could talk to Stel, did you?" I asked Angela once I walked into her apartment with the rest of the guys.

"No. I did not" She sniffed, "Stella's on a date"

I raised an eyebrow. "Ohh!!" Jack called from the living room, looking at us both.

"With who?!" I asked, suddenly pissed.

"That isn't your business anymore, remember?"

"I think I should know who my ex goes out with"

"This hot, sporty college kid"

I frowned. Stella wasn't into those kind of guys...was she?


"You're lying. Stella wouldn't move on that fast"

"I'll give you the address of the restaurant they are at if you don;'t believe me. But if I were you, I'd back off. You already caused enough damage"

I questioned Angela's emphasis on caused.

Stella definitely wouldn't move on that fast. I knew her. I mean, it's been a bunch of weeks since we broke up, and she had every right to be pissed off at me. But, I mean, going on dates? Seriously?

My mind was on other things as we watched a random Gerard Butler movie. How could she do this? She had every right to be pissed off at me, but how could she move on that quickly. Angela was sending me weird vibes and glances from Zack's lap.

Minuets later, the door opened, and Stella came inside, looking stunning. He dark hair was pushed away from her face, and she was wearing a mini dress and lighter make-up.

Compared to her usual apparel of boy hoodies, short shorts, and skinny jeans, I did not like the classy Stella Taylor at all.
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OoOoOoOo drama...gotta love it.
I cried watching The Secret Life Of Bees today...)-:
Okay, I feel sort of guilty, but I skipped school for the first time in a while...don't blame me, we've all done it...right??