You Were Never A Friend To Me, And You Can Keep All Your Misery

If U Seek Amy

FLASHBACK 8 MONTHS EARLIER, January 16th, 2009

I looked around the room for a familiar face. Max was going away to Spain for a retreat his club did in college.

In January?

All Time Low just performed "Poppn' Champagne" at our family's going away party.

I tried to look for Angela, who was probrably far past drunk by now. I hated my parents' parties. They always consist of boring adults and my brothers drunk friends, including Jack, Alex, Rian, and Zack.

I knew Jack from Max, of course. Jack pretty much lived at my house and we had grown pretty close. As for his band, I only knew their names, and that they were amazing when they sang.

Alex Gaskarth, in my opinion, was the best. When he sang, my heart would skip a beat and I got this wierd feeling inside, like I was melting completley and I couldn't breathe. The pit of my stomach turned and I would feel like throwing up.

All the symptoms of love.

I was in love with Alex Gaskarth.

Of course it could never work. He's 21 and I'm only 17. He's out of college and I'm still in my Junior year of High School. And I assumed he already had a girlfriend.

'It's only a four year diffrence. Look at Ashton and Demi, there's a 15 year difference" Angela had said when I brought up Alex.

"That's different, she's a girl, that's exceptable. it's called cougarsim, Angie" I had said.

"Whatever, I say you go for it. You're hot, he'd date you"

I usually take Angela's advice, but I sat out for this one.

She didn't really understand what it's like to be a virgin. We don't like to flaunt around and hook up with guys. Or at least I don't. I've been with guys before, but they were relationships, not meaningless hookups. They wanted more from me and I had to let them go.

I just wasn't ready yet.

I ignored my mother when she waved me over. She was talking to some guy in a suit. He was young and pretty cute, but he was my mom's type of guy; in college, law school, polite and rich. Those are the type of guys my mom always tried to hook me up with.

But, I wanted something other than the clean-cut guys she paired me with. I need fun, I needed danger, I needed excitment.

I needed Alex Gaskarth.

But, sadly, I'm too shy to even look at him without picturing him naked. I set aside my non-alcoholic beverage and headed to my room in the large mansion my parents owned.

I turned on my TV and watched some reruns of "That 70's Show".

Even Ashton Kutcher couldn't put me in a better mood.

I heard a light knock on the door and sat up as it opened.

"Sorry, I thought this was the bathroom"

I was staring face to face with Alex.

I opened my mouth to say something, but no words came out.

"Stella, right?" he asked,

"Y-Yeah" I choked out, mostly choking on how perfect his blonde and brown hair was.

"I'm Alex" he said.

Well, of course he is.


"I know" he said, with a cute crooked smile.

I giggled nervously. "Can I come in?" he asked.

I nodded a little too eagerly.

Alex came in and sat on the other end of my bed.

"Angela told me about you"

Oh no.

"Really? What'd she say?"

"That you like me"

"haha, Angela likes to make up things" I said nervously.

"Or she's telling the truth..." he said, wiping a piece of dark hair from my face. I shivered at his touch, though it was warm.

"I'm so embarrased." I muttered, looking down at my hands.

I felt Alex lift a finger to chin and lift it slowly. "Hey, don't be." he smiled.

I smiled a little and I saw him lean forward a little. I can't believe this is happnening

When Alex's lips met mine, they felt warm and soft and moved passionatley.

I kissed back, despite the shock, and wrapped my arms around his neck. Normally I would think things were going to fast, but I would make an exception for him.

Alex's lips moved with more force against mine and our lips parted and his cool sweet tongue rolled into my mouth. I never really even got to first base before.

I could taste a little alcohol on his toungue, but I assumed it was just a tiny beverage.

Alex's fingers traveled down to the zipper on the back of my mini dress. I let him zip it down ever so slowly as my fingers undid the buttons of his plaid shirt. He shrugged the shirt off, not taking his lips off mine. My eyes were closed, so I couldn't look at his magnificent body, but I could feel the tiny hairs on his toned chest and abs.

I pulled the mini dress over my head and attached my lips to his once more. He leaned over my body as my head hit my soft pillows. I was half naked in front of himand he was still wearing jeans.

I knew I should probrably stop but I just couldn't resist.

I unbottuned his dark skinny jeans and he peeled them down his legs.

We didn't speak as he unclipped my bra and pulled down my underwear, my heart was accelerating and I couldn't believe this was happening. I couldn't believe he was doing this.

I couldn't believe I was letting him do this.

He took of his boxers and they made it to the ground silently.

He poisitioned himself over me and i knew I was probrably shaking in anticipation.

When he slid into me, I couldn't help but moan lously and gasp. I never did this before, ever.

His lips moved with mine and I felt my eyes well up. It hurt a little, but I didnt want him to know that.

He kept thrusting, and the pain turned to pleasure in a matter of seconds.

I dug my nails into his back to contain the pressure, which made him moan.

Our orgasms triggered at about the same time, and he fell to my side on my bed.

My heart felt whole, like Alex had fllled it with something.

♠ ♠ ♠
I don't really write sex scenes, so, this was a first. Like it? Suscribe? Comment? I'm begging you, this is my first story and I really want you guys to tell me if you like it or not!! I'll respond, i promise!!

Love ya