You Were Never A Friend To Me, And You Can Keep All Your Misery

Scream To Be Heard

Stella's P.O.V

Alex's warm lips pressed against mine sent a warm sensation through my whole body. I missed him so much, it almost brought me to tears. I kissed him back more forcefully, feverishly, never wanting him to let go. I hadn't realized I was crying.

"Whoa, Stel, are you okay?" Alex asked, slightly backing off of me and combing him fingers through my hair.

The truth was, I was depressed. Angela isn't talking to me, Max went back to school and Martin went back on tour. And no one knew I was pregnant besides Angela, who refused to even look at me. She's spent the last month at ATL's house.

How far along am I? Two and a half months. And I was showing. I wore big T-shirts, and I liked that no one asked. They probably just assumed I was getting fat. I didn't let Alex touch my stomach, in fact, I barely let him touch me at all. I wanted to tell him, I really did. But I just couldn't.

I guess I was just scared. Scared that he'd leave me, or scared that he would be mad I didn't tell him before. Either way, I was stuck with no way out. I decided I was definitely not getting rid of it. Adoption was an option, though.

"I just really love you" i whispered, tugging on his hair.

"I love you, too..."

I pressed my lips against his once more, parting my lips and taking in as much as him as possible, because, inside, I had this horrible feeling. My back hurt, there was an empty weight on my stomach, guilt hung over me. The only plus-side is that I finally stopped throwing up.

It was hard to explain things to Alex with out giving too much away. I told him I couldn't drink because "It tastes bad" and he would always say, "it never bothered you before". I hoped he would catch on so I wouldn't have to explain, but he never did.

"I have a doctors' appointment" i whispered, once I separated from him so I could breathe.

"Don't go" Alex frowned.

"Sorry"I breathed a laugh and kissed him one final time before I headed out

I drove to the gynecologists. Technically I didn't lie. They were doctors. But I just hated stretching the truth.

"Good morning" The receptionist smiled.

"Hey, um, 11:00 appointment with Dr. Rusher?"

"Yes, take seat" She said, looking at my belly. I blushed and sat in the waiting room.

It was hell looking at all the pregnant women, who looked old enough to be pregnant and were with someone, probably their husbands. I felt my face burn as they stared at me. I probably just looked like some kid.

I should be in high school, hanging out with all the normal, unfamous kids. Even though I have Alex, sometimes I feel like a made a huge mistake dropping out. It makes me feel stupid and unsuccessful.

"Ms. Taylor?" Someone called.

Relieved, I stood up and followed the women to the patient's room.

"So, how is everything, Stella?" She asked.

"Pretty good, my back hurts" I said.

The doctor smiled and ordered me to lie down. I did, and waited as she pushed my T-shirt up to my chest. "This will be a little cold" She warned, putting a cold, clear gel onto my stomach. I shivered.

She looked at the monitor as she moved the little object around on my stomach and didn't say anything. I shut my eyes, not wanting to look.

She continued to look, taking a while. I exhaled when she told me to, and inhaled. "I'll get Dr. Rusher" she said quietly.

"Is everything okay?"

"Dr. Rusher will have to explain"

I bit my lip and waited until a man who looked about 30 or so came in and smiled at me, holding a clipboard. "How are you today, Stella?" he asked.

"What's going on?"

Dr. Rusher sighed and sat down in a wheeled chair in front of the monitor. "We can't seem to find your baby"

I stared at him and cocked my head to the side, not understanding. "it's in there, though, right?"

When Dr. Rusher didn't say anything, I gasped, and felt tears well up into my eyes.

"We're sorry, Stella"
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One of the last chapters...sort of depressing.

Check out the sequel, and comment!